Any good intraday swing trading strategy?
Author: olonam.esox
Creation Date: 11/27/2008 9:22 PM
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Hi. I am new to the community. Just starting to play with Wealth-Lab Pro. Does anyone have a good Intra-day Swing Trading program? I didn't see it as one of the basics that came with the WLP. Any help or feedback would be appreciated. Thank you
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Hi, and welcome to the forums. If you haven't found one among the canned generic systems or in WL5 Wiki (Community.Strategies), perhaps you have a vision how its rules should look like?
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Thank you. I will check out WL5Wiki
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Stupid question. I looked on WL5 Wiki and found code. How would I go about backtesting in WL5? Is there a location that gives a set by set process of copying and pasting code and running? Thank you.
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Sure, WealthScript Programming Guide explains how to do it. Check out "How to Run Example Code".
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Do I find WealthScript Programming Guide on the new website, the WL4 or wiki website? I searched and only found the guide for WL4. Is this the correct one? Thank you.
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You will find it under the Help menu of WL5.
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