WealthSignals Legal Disclosures and Policies

WealthSignals (a.k.a WealthSignals Web Service, WealthSignals Service or WS) is a division of Wealth-Lab.com domain sharing the same administration personnel, technical support and other support staff of Quantacula, LLC. These Legal Disclosures and Policies are attached to and form a part of our Terms of Use.

General Information

The WealthSignals Web Service is for informational purposes only, and is neither a solicitaion to buy nor an offer to sell securities. It is an online source for you to obtain information to consider when making investment decisions. None of WealthSignals, Wealth-Lab, Quantacula nor any of their respective employees or agents is providing investment recommendations or investment advice of any kind. See Important Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. The WealthSignals Web service is provided "AS-IS" and we are not responsible for the deletion, mis-delivery, failure to store, or timeliness of any user communications or user setting/configuration inputs. All information within WealthSignals is subject to change without notice. Information in our emails and on our website will contain "forward-looking statements" as defined under Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21B of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. These forward statements are subject to a number of risks beyond our control that could cause actual operations or results to differ materially from those anticipated. The disclaimer statements made in this document applies to all related forward-looking statements wherever they appear on our website, in our emails, or in our other communications. In compliance with the Securities Act of 1933, Section 17(b), WealthSignals and its management fully disclose that they receive fees from Trading System Authors or agents representing the Trading System Authors. These fees are paid using our payment processing service Paypal at the time of publishing to our subscriber network. Regarding our marketing programs: WealthSignals has not received compensation for Fidelity Investment, Active Trader Magazine, or Stocks and Commodities magazine. WealthSignals Web Service, including its administration, technical support and other support staff, do NOT provide investment advice to individual clients, for instance, make recommendations or solicitation to buy or sell any security. WealthSignals provides a means for Trading System Authors to publish and distribute to the general public their hypothetical Trading System Signals by the means of our subscription service. The Trading Systems in our Subscriber Network are NOT tailored to meet any specific individual´s investment requirements, and do not constitute and should not be deemed to constitute an investment recommendation or investment advice. WealthSignals prohibits its participating Subscribers and Authors from giving advice to meet a specific individual investment requirements. Financial Market Data powered by IQFeed, Yahoo, Norgate Investor Services (PremiumData), and others to be arranged... The network systems of the WealthSignals and its account access response times may vary due to a large variety of factors such as the user’s type of internet connection, market conditions, system performance, or etc, just to name a few. Users are responsible for obtaining access, including the equipment necessary to obtain access, of the WealthSignals web service, and as such that access may involve third party fees which are the responsibility of the users. Usage of the WealthSignals Publisher for transmitting trading signals and other information to the WealthSignals Web Service requires legal access to the Wealth-Lab client software. Users understand that WealthSignals communicates by way of email messages with its registered users from time to time, and that registered users will not be able to opt-out of these email communications.

Payment Information

All WealthSignals Subscribers and Authors participating in our Trading System Subscriber Network (a.k.a TSSN) are required to have a valid account with our 3rd party payment processing service which will require a valid credit card stored on file. The WealthSignals team is not responsible for your credit card safety. Users that fall out of good standing OR don't have a valid payment method within our payment processing service will have their WealthSignals subscriptions or non-income generating Trading Systems, immediately suspended until such time as they re-establish their payment service account. [Important note: Delinquent Authors with active income-generating Trading System(s) will not be able to request built-up earnings, post new Trading Systems, or subscribe to another Author's Trading System until such times as they re-establish their payment service account; however, their income-generating Trading Systems will remain active and they will be required to maintain them with due diligence.]


Ordinarily, no refunds are given once a subscriber’s initial trial period is over. WealthSignals will refund subscription fees upon request to Subscribers of a Trading System that has had its status changed to ´Under Review´ or a Trading System that has been suspended. Login to Wealth-lab.com, then go to Support and open a new ticket for your Refund request. There are no refunds for Authors posting Trading Systems. Members ought to request a refund, If they are charged a subscription fee AFTER successfully requesting a cancellation, but the cancellation is only effective for periods beginning after the current subscription period ends.

There are no refunds for Authors posting Trading Systems.

WealthSignals Trading System (a.k.a WSTS)

A trading system is a group of specific rules that determine entry and exit points, called ´signals´, for the purpose of the execution of trades for a given equity. End Of Day (EOD) trading systems provide signals based on the previous trading day's market data thus allowing signals to be placed ONE-TIME prior to opening of each market session. WealthSignals Web Service allows its Authors to publish their EOD Trading Systems so that traders can subscribe (for a monthly fee) to the signals that they produce; THUS Subscribers use the Authors EOD Trading System for their own investment purposes. For the purpose of clarity of this document, all further mentions of the term ´Trading System´ will imply ´End of Day Trading System´, because all WealthSignals Trading Systems are for the purpose of End of Day trading, i.e. they allow Subscribers to PLACE SIGNALS just one-time prior to the opening of each market session.

No Fee for searching for or watching Trading Systems

AnyWealth-Lab.com user can search for Trading Systems, using our Find-a-Trading-System feature, FREE of CHARGE. Additionally registered users can select Trading Systems to Watch in their Dashboard, FREE of Charge.

WealthSignals Trading System Classifications

WSTS´s can have one of two classifications: Sandbox or TSSN (Trading System Subscriber Network). Authors choose which classification when they fill out the Post-a-System form. After publishing, and under certain conditions, Authors can change the classification of their trading system (see section Trading System Authors below for more information). Sandbox: designated by the sand castle icon, this classification can be either public or private (i.e. detail page not visible). The Sandbox is a playground that is not strictly monitored or controlled. If a sandbox trading system is public, Wealth-Lab.com visitors will be able to see only its closed positions and performance data; the daily signals and open positions are never made available. When using the Find-a-Trading-System feature, you must check box ´Sandbox´ in the filter in order to obtain results that contain sandbox trading systems, i.e. sandbox trading systems are hidden by the default filter settings. TSSN: designated by either a beaker icon or the red flag icon. The TSSN is our Trading System Subscriber Network, i.e. our marketplace where Authors publish their trading systems so that Subscribers can receive daily signals. Maintaining the integrity and effectiveness of our TSSN is our top priority, therefore, we have established a strict policy for Author to follow (see Publishing and Maintaining Tradings Systems in the TSSN below for more information).

A Trading System´s Approach to Producing Signals

WealthSignals offers users the ability to filter their search for Trading Systems based on the Author´s approach to designing the Trading System: Technical Analysis, Fundamental Analysis, Arbitrage, or Other. Traders should carefully study the description of the Trading System in order to determine if the approach is suitable for their trading style and investment horizon. [Important note: At this time, our TSSN is only offering Subscribers trading systems based on mechanical strategies, i.e. trading systems that produce signals derived from strategy code.] Despite Trading Systems being categorized as based on “Technical Analysis”, WealthSignals makes no guarantee that a Trading System is actually following the assigned approach 100%. That is to say, a Trading System could be categorized by the Author as a Technical Analysis based Trading System, however, some or all signals the Author places may be based on discretionary or other factors. The Author should state in their Trading System description or forum more detail information about their approach.

Hypothetical Performance data: Returns and Drawdown

All performance data found in WealthSignals is based on hypothetical or simulated trading. Be advised that the WEALTHSIGNALS TRADING SYSTEM RESULTS ARE NOT BASED ON ACTUAL TRADING. Trading system results shown on WealthSignal pages will be different than those that are executed by a live broker on a real exchange. There is NO guarantee of future results no matter what performance data may indicate. Returns and Drawdown (i.e. performance) calculations found in the Find-a-System results pages, Trading System detail pages, and other public areas are revised once a day. Backtest performance information is based on data provided by Authors and it only shows that the Author has performed system testing (and nothing else), and therefore enhances a system’s description without the need for the Author to provide information “off site”. Subscriber results may vary considerably from the Author’s results for many reasons including but not limited to market factors, different and/or erroneous data, software bugs, user errors, etc. The order of appearance of Trading Systems in WealthSignals Find-a-System results page by performance sorting are not subject to human influence but only based on WealthSignals Trading Systems´ Returns data.

Performance Metrics

If Author has chosen to submit historical performance data of his/her Trading System using the WealthSignals Publisher, the uploaded performance results includes history of all closed and open trades made by the system to date, its equity curve data, and a sample of performance metrics indicative to system performance calculated by Wealth-Lab software and/or the WealthSignals Publisher:
  • Winning Position Rate - calculated based on all trades including closed and open positions
  • Recovery Factor - the absolute value of Net Profit divided by Maximum Drawdown.
  • Sharpe Ratio, calculated on a monthly basis.
  • Exposure - the total market exposure of the trading strategy calculated on a bar by bar basis, measuring the area of portfolio equity that was exposed to the market.
  • Wealth-Lab Score - an annualized metric that encompasses profitability, market exposure and risk and allowing to compare backtests that span time periods of different lengths.
It’s only possible for Portfolio Simulation mode backtests to submit historical results through the WealthSignals Publisher. The list of performance metrics may change without notice.

Equity Curve and Drawdown Chart

Equity curves chart displays the progression of a portfolio's value over time. Light green represents invested equity (exposure), dark green is cash, and their sum is the portfolio's total value (top of the curve). Dark green below zero shows the amount of cash borrowed on margin for equity investment. If provided, backtest (in-sample) results are displayed to the left of the bold vertical red line and are normalized to end at the starting equity value of the WealthSignals out-of-sample test period to the right of the line. Backtest results are only produced by Authors that use a licensed version of the Wealth-Lab client software. There is no other way to associate Backtest results with a WealthSignals Trading System.


Self-Traded Indicates if the Author is trading the system in their own live trading account. WealthSignals does not independently verify whether Authors are actually self-trading.


Currently the WealthSignals Web Service is only accepting Trading System that are employed on U.S. Stock Exchanges. See the following List of SYMBOLS.

WealthSignals Trading System Forums

Every Trading System listed on WealthSignals has an unique forum associated to it. Some forum topics of Trading Systems in the TSSN, and ´Public´ designated Trading Systems in the Sandbox, can be viewed by registered users. [Important note: our forum content is posted in the public domain of the world wide web, despite our viewing restriction method, this content may be visible to any user on the internet.] Only the Author of a Trading System AND it's Subscribers can ADD NEW TOPICS to the Trading System’s Forum. Any registered user can post comments to accessible topics. Authors have the right to petition that a user's topic, post or comment be removed. To do so please login to wl6.wealth-lab.com, then go to Support and choose the subject line ´Petition to Remove Forum Content´ (be sure to state just exactly where and what text is in question). As stated in our Terms of Use, the Wealth-Lab.com website is not to be used to "publicize, transmit, or store any content that is illegal, obscene, misleading, hateful, harmful, abusive, an invasion of someone privacy, SPAM, spurious, containing any malicious or covert computer code, or infringing another´s proprietary rights¨. All users are encouraged to report abuses within our forum area. To do so please login to wl6.wealth-lab.com, then go to Support and choose the subject line ´Report Inappropriate Content´ (be sure to state just exactly where and what text is in question). WealthSignals does not independently verify whether content submitted to our forum adheres to our Terms of Use restriction. Whether content is removed or not from the forum is solely the discretion of WealthSignals administration and there will be no recourse with respect to any decision.

Trading System Status Rules

WealthSignals Web Service has created the follow rules in order to better serve and protect the integrity of our Subscriber Network.

Status Legend

Pending 30-day Probation: A new Trading System that needs to mature before it’s allowed to accept Subscribers. Accepting Subscribers: Author has successfully passed the 30-day probation and is currently accepting Subscribers. Approaching Max. # of Subscribers: still Accepting Subscribers however the Trading System has reached 80% of the Author´s Authorized maximum allowed subscriber base critical mass. Max. # of Subscribers Reached: Not accepting Subscribers because the maximum number of Subscribers for the Trading System has been reached. Under Review: A delinquent (e.g. Failure to follow the 2-day Rule - see below) Trading System that needs to pass the 30-probation again in order to accept Subscribers. Sandbox Private: Not in the TSSN. General performance details can be seen in the results of our Find-a-System. Sandbox Public: Not in the TSSN but system detail page content can be reviewed.

Status Changing

The status of a Trading System in the TSSN will change automatically based on several factors:
  1. successful completion of our 30-day Probation Period for both NEW trading systems and ´Under Review´ Trading Systems,
  2. the Author´s violation of the 2-day Rule (see below),
  3. reaching or falling below x% of max. # of Subscribers, or
  4. reaching or falling below the maximum number of Subscribers.
The status of a Trading System can be manually changed by the Author in the following cases:
  1. Submission of a Sandbox Trading System to the TSSN,
  2. Changing a Sandbox Trading System from private to public or vice-a-versa, or
  3. moving a Trading System out of the TSSN and into the Sandbox.
[Important note: moving a Trading System out of the TSSN can only be done when the Trading System has ZERO subscribers.] Subsequently, the status of a Trading System in the TSSN may change automatically as a result of the Author’s changing the ´Max. # of Subscribers´ configuration of the Trading System.In cases of violation of our Terms of Use or Privacy Policies,OR because of an approved petition from an Author, a member of WealthSignals administration team can manually change the status of a Trading System.

30-day Probation Period

New Trading Systems to the TSSN or Trading Systems with the status changed to 'Under Review', must successfully complete a 30-day Probation period in order to obtain [new] Subscribers. In order to successfully complete the 30-day Probation Period, authors must 1) stage a minimum of two signals, and, 2) not break the 2-day Rule (see below) during that period. Trading Systems in probation that experience a failure in the 2-day Rule requirement will automatically re-start the 30-day probation period reset to zero. Trading Systems that successfully complete the 30-days will receive a new status that will allow them to obtain Subscribers.

2-day Rule

WealthSignals has a 2-day Rule that requires ALL Trading System Authors, that have Trading system in the TSSN, to EITHER place signals after each trading day OR posted our standard ´NO SIGNALS TODAY´ notice. This rule prevents Subscribers from being left in the dark about their paid subscription. IF two trading days pass AND an Author has NOT performed one of these actions, THEN on the third trading day that Trading System will have its status changed to UNDER REVIEW. In other words, Authors have a one day grace period without being penalized for not advising their Subscribers about their signals, BUT two days in a row is unacceptable.

'Under Review' status

WealthSignals can penalize Trading Systems in the TSSN that do not follow our policies by change their status to ´Under Review´. A Trading System with the status ´Under Review´ does not appear in the default results of Find-a-System nor does it appear in any other results list of valid Trading Systems. Trading Systems with this status can not obtain new Subscribers. Authors of Trading Systems with this status can not request any built-up earnings. In order to have this status changed Authors must successfully complete our ´30-day Probation Period´ for the delinquent Trading Systems; or alternatively, follow the protocols to remove all Subscribers then move the Trading Systems to the Sandbox. Authors that suspend, or move to the Sandbox, ´Under Review´ Trading Systems will lose rights to any earnings that those Trading Systems may have built-up. That is to say, a delinquent Author, with a Trading System in the TSSN, that at one-time collected subscription fees, BUT now finds itself without Subscribers, AND with the status ´Under Review´, CAN suspend, or move to the Sandbox, the Trading System; however, the Author will forfeit any built-up earnings for that Trading System. This is to prevent unscrupulous players from gaming the system by “taking the money and running”. Thus Authors will be required to follow due diligences to their Subscribers when discontinuing a Trading System. Trading Systems that find themselves with the status ´Under Review´ more than twice in a six month period will be suspended. The Authors of Trading Systems that are suspended for this reason will not be able to claim any built-up earnings from these Trading Systems. If an error has occurred in our status-change automation system and an Author finds that his Trading System is mistakenly ´Under Review´ or ´Pending 30-day Probation´, he can petition WealthSignals Administration for a corrected status. To do so please login to wl6.wealth-lab.com, then go to Support and choose the subject line ´Trading System Status Issue´ (be sure to state just exactly which Trading System is in question). Be advised that WealthSignals is not responsible for any loss of earnings, delays in earning distribution, loss of subscribership, nor tarnishment of reputation due to any mechanical, human or other type of error or obstruction that results from a change of status of a Trading System. Authors can´t remove an ´Under Review´ by moving it to the Sandbox then back into our TSSN, it will return to the status ‘Under Review’, only after successfully completing the 30-day Probation Period can an Author obtain Subscriber again for a delinquent Trading System.

WealthSignals Subscribers

In order to subscribe to a Trading System and get its Signals, users must first create a valid Wealth-Lab.com account. Important note: see "Invalid website account" below.

Understanding Risk and Taking Full Responsibility

WealthSignals Trading System information is based on hypothetical performance results which have certain limitations. They do NOT represent actual trading therefore do NOT have financial risk. No claim is being made that these results will or are likely to be similar to an actual trading account. Further since the trades have not been executed in an actual market, their performance results may over-or-under compensate for their unrealized impact on the market. WealthSignals will not be responsible for or accept any liability for any losses arising from an investor's reliance on or use of information on our website, in our emails, or our other communications. This WealthSignals information is for information purposes only, and is neither a solicitation to buy nor an offer to sell securities. All WealthSignals information provided is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be used as the sole source of information on a company. WealthSignals makes no guarantee that Authors of WealthSignals Trading Systems for subscription will or will not take action in order to service or protect the interests of their Subscribers; therefore, any action or inaction a Subscriber takes in relation to a WealthSignals Trading System information is done so at the Subscriber's own risk. This is true even in cases where an Author or Subscriber intended to take action (or intended not to take action) but failed to do so because of a mechanical, human or other type of error or obstruction.

Subscribing to a Trading System

Once registered users subscribe to a Trading System they will be able to see all content concerning signals for that Trading System, including current Placed Signals, Open Signals, Closed Signals, and Signal History. Immediately upon their first subscription, registered users will be required to set up a payment method within our payment processing service. [Important Note: All Trading Systems have a mandatory Trial period and subscribers will not be billed until the end of the Trial period.] Subscribers will be required to set their account size so that the relative risk assumed by the Subscriber’s account more closely matches the risk of the model account. Subscribers will find their subscriptions in their Dashboard within the section labeled "My Trading System Subscriptions" and may retrieve pending Signals via email, Wealth-Lab client software, and/or website notifications.

Trial Subscriptions

All Trading Systems have a mandatory trial period from 7 to 30 days which is set at the Author's discretion. Exception: Currently only 30-day trial periods are available. Prior to the first [and each subsequent] billing, Subscribers will receive a minimum of one email notification containing the number of days until the next charge and a link to cancel. At any time during the Trial period a Subscriber can cancel the subscription at no cost or obligation; however, if the trial period ends without a cancellation then the Subscriber will automatically be billed for the first month subscription fee. Trial subscriptions behave in every way like a regular subscriptions, i.e. the trial Subscriber has access to all of the signal data and resources of the Trading System exactly the same as a paid Subscriber. In order to start a trial subscription a user must have a valid account with our payment processing service. Only one trial period is allowed per Trading System. That is to say, a Subscriber can not cancel their subscription before the end of the trial period and THEN start the trial period again.

Subscription Fees

Subscription fees are billed automatically to Subscribers once per month, based on the amount designated by the Author at the time of posting of the Trading System, regardless of the number of days in the month of the subscription to a Trading System; that is to say, subscription fees will not be prorated for the month they start or the month they are canceled. Subscriptions Fees range from 50 USD to unlimited based on the Author's discretion.

Cancellation of a Subscription

Prior to each billing, Subscribers will receive a minimum of one email notification containing the number of days until the next charge and a link to cancel. Subscribers may cancel subscriptions at any time by clicking the link in this email notification. Subscribers that cancel their subscription will continue to receive the Trading System's Signals until the end of the paid subscription period. Cancellation does not entitle a Subscriber to a refund except to the extent of subscription periods paid in advance. No refund is given for a cancellation during a subscription period unless such cancellation is a result of a Trading System status change described above.

Auto-Trading and Using Wealth-Lab client software

Auto-Trading are not supported by the Wealth-Lab client software at this time. Note, however, that Wealth-Lab clients versions 6.5 and higher are equipped with the WealthSignals Trader tool, which may be employed manually to download signals from your WealthSignals Trading System subscriptions. With their Wealth-Lab.com credentials, Subscribers can use the WealthSignals Trader to: a) associate a paper or live trading account to a WealthSignals System [signals], b) send signals to the Quotes tool for monitoring stop and limit alerts and optionally stage or place them, and/or, c) stage or place orders directly to the Orders tool.

Trading System Authors (a.k.a. Developers or Vendors)

In order to publish trading systems on the WealthSignals Web Service and start getting up-to-the-minute market data results for hypothetical trading, users must first create a valid Wealth-Lab.com account. Important note: see “Wealth-Lab.com Terms of Service Violaton” below.

No Fee for Sandbox Trading Systems

Any registered user can create a Trading System and post it to our Sandbox area FREE of CHARGE. Only if Authors move their Sandbox Trading Systems into our TSSN will they have to set up an account with our payment processing service.

Trading System Posting Requirements

Authors must be licensed users of Wealth-Lab client software, AND registered users of the Wealth-Lab.com website with account information that contains their legal name and their physical address (i.e. country and street address where they are licensed to use the Wealth-Lab software); furthermore, the IP address they use to access our website must be consistent with their reported physical address. Author must choose whether to post to the Sandbox or to our TSSN. IF Authors post directly to our TSSN, THEN they will be required to setup a valid account in our Payment Processing Service. WealthSignals does not allow Authors to post another person´s Trading System unless they have written permission from the owner of the Trading System, and the description of the Trading System states who the original Author is as well as the Trading System´s ownership status. WealthSignals does not independently verify whether an Author is the legal owner of a Trading System nor whether a claim of permission to post another Author´s Trading System is valid.

Using Wealth-Lab Client Software to Action Trading Systems

Authors can use the WealthSignals Publisher extension within our Wealth-Lab 6.x and above client software in order to post their signals and backtesting results directly to their Trading Systems listed within the WealthSignals Web Service.

Publishing and Maintaining Trading Systems in our TSSN

In order for an Author to publish and maintain a trading system in our TSSN, i.e. obtain Subscribers and earn subscription fees, the Author must:
  1. Submit a WealthSignals' form to establish a WSTS presence in the TSSN;
  2. then use our WealthSignals Publisher (WSV), within the Wealth-Lab client software, to associate an existing mechanical strategy (i.e. the Author´s own strategy code and applied symbols' DataSet) to the fore-mentioned WSTS AND upload its backtest and performance data.
  3. Subsequently, prior to the open of every NYSE session, the Author must either publish signals OR submit our standard ‘NO SIGNALS for the next market session’ notice for the WSTS, using our Website or the WSV.

    Important: see Adequate Window for Placing Trades.
  4. The Author must report each system modification event to our TSSN via the WSTS's forum category 'System Modifications' in order to notify subscribers of changes that could affect the system’s historical or future hypothetical performance. When considering an event report please remember:
    1. A system modification is defined as one or more changes to the executable strategy code, its applied symbols’ DataSet, or any other update that would affect hypothetical system performance such as but not limited to:
      1. changes to custom indicator or component libraries used by the system,
      2. updates to parameter variables,
      3. retraining of a neural network
    2. Each event must be reported as a new topic in ‘System Modifications'.
    3. Only general information about the change is required to be reported. Specific details of the change that would reveal the system’s trading advantage are not required to be specified.
The Author is expected to respond to Subscriber inquiries posted to the WSTS´s forum category ´Author´s Signal Support´, in a timely manner. Please note that ONLY the Author and the WSTS Subscribers can view this private category, i.e. ‘Signal Support’ is visible only by the WSTS Subscribers and the Author. The Author can only communicate with the WSTS Subscribers by forum or by our direct messaging from the WSTS´s admin page. The Author acknowledges that Wealth Lab, its administration and other staff as well as its registered members, may publicly evaluate the WSTS and each such Author waives any claim it may have against such persons with respect to any such evaluation. [Important Note: Wealth-Lab.com website administration, technical support and other staff are prohibited from publishing trading systems on our TSSN. ]

Adequate Window for Placing Trades

Authors must keep in mind that their Trading System Subscribers may be residing on various parts of the globe, i.e. varying time zones; therefore, they will need to communicate very clearly when Subscriber can expect to get their signals, AND they ought to be habitual about when they post their signals. This information ought to be clearly stated in the Trading System's configuration information. Failure to place signal by at least 5 minutes before NYSE opens will result in violation of the 2-day rule. Authors making an error in placing their signals ought to immediately notify their Subscribers by both posting a notice in the Trading System´s forum category ´Author´s Signal Support´ AND by using our bulk email system. They ought to report the nature of the error and inform them as to what action was taken by the Author, and, when applicable, what action a Subscriber ought to take in order to correct the situation. WealthSignals is not responsible for any liability or damages resulting from one or more of an Author´s signals not placed, placed in error, placed containing errors in one or more of its attributes.

Earnings Fee Schedule

Authors earn 80% of the Subscription Fees we collect for their Trading System.

Remittance of Built-up Earnings

WealthSignals can remit Author earnings electronically through Paypal, ACH (U.S. only), BACS (U.K. only), or Wire transfers. Wire transfers will incur a 20 USD fee deducted from the author's balance. Should none of these payment options be acceptable, we will arrange an alternative payment method, however, there may be an additional fee that the Author will incur. Authors should create a support ticket or contact us through email to provide their payment information, which in all cases requires: Name, Email Address, Address Line1, Address Line2 (optional), City, State/Province, Postal/Zip Code, and Country. For bank transfers, additionally provide the account number and routing number (9 digits), sorting code (6 digits), or SWIFT code (Format: UPNBVS44MIA) as applicable.

Authors can request built-up earnings for active Trading Systems that have a minimum balance of 500 USD and where subscription transaction dates are at least 45 days old (due to risk of chargebacks and refunds). Authors can request the remaining earnings balance for any suspended or moved-to-Sandbox Trading System provided that the Trading System wasn't 'Under Review' before it was removed from the TSSN, and that the oldest transaction date is more than 45 days. WealthSignals shall have the right to offset against any amount due to an Author the amount of any existing liability to WealthSignals or to any Subscriber for violations of the Terms of Use. For Trading Systems with what we deem to be substantial subscription amounts per month, we reserve the right to hold Author built-up earnings for up to but not more than 90 days of subscription transaction dates in order to reduce our risk due to refund or chargeback requests.

TSSN Listing Fee Schedule

Authors are charged a one-time $1 USD for each Trading System that they list, billed immediately upon posting. On the payment page, we encourage you to select "Currency: US Dollar" to avoid excessive currency conversion fees.

Trading System Configuration Updating

Once a Trading System is submitted to the TSSN, Authors can´t edit or change the following variables of its configuration: the System Name, the Instrument, the Model Account Size, the Est. # of Trades, or the Subscription Price. At any time Authors can update the System´s Description, Trade Duration, Self-Traded, Max. # of Subscribers, and/or Trial Period. Sandbox Trading Systems can be changed from public to private and vice-a-versa at any time.

De-activating a Trading System in the TSSN

IF a Trading System that is currently active in the TSSN, AND has ZERO Subscribers, THEN it can be suspended (i.e. decommissioned), OR moved to the Trading System Sandbox immediately by the Author. HOWEVER, In order for an Author to de-activate (i.e. suspend or decommission), OR move to the Sandbox, a Trading System that has Subscribers, the Author must use the following procedure:
  1. Send notification to all the Trading System Subscribers stating that the Trading System will be submitted for de-activation on such and such a date (minimum one week from the time of notice);
  2. in the same notification, request that the Subscribers terminate (i.e. cancel) their subscription ASAP.
  3. IF all the Subscribers cancel, THEN the Author can simply move or suspend the Trading System; if there are still Subscribers to the Trading System by the cut off date, then the Author must notify WealthSignals administration that a Trading System with Subscribers is being submitted for de-activation.

    [Important Note: continue to maintain the Trading System with due diligence to Subscribers until such time as WealthSignals administration can properly notify and remove all the Subscribers. WealthSignals will notify the Author when the Trading System is ready to be removed for the TSSN.] Log in on our web site, then go to Support and open a new ticket to request that WealthSignals de-activate a Trading System with remaining Subscribers.]

Refunds and chargebacks passed on to Authors

Any amount refunded to Subscribers (less WealthSignals´ share described above), PLUS any applied ´Chargeback´ fee that banks may add PLUS our own merchant bank processing costs, will be deducted from the Author´s built-up earnings, if the Author has no built-up earnings or its balance isn't large enough to cover the total amount of the cost of refund, then the owed balance will be charged to the Author via our payment processing service. THEREFORE, it is very important that Authors give quality customer service to our Subscribers to avoid these costs.

Promoting Trading Systems

Authors are allowed to solicit for new customers within their Trading System descriptions, their WealthSignals Trading System forums, their profile and/or any advertising opportunity afforded by WealthSignals on Wealth-Lab.com; however, Authors are NOT allowed to solicit for new customers by posting to other registered user forums and the main Wealth-Lab Forums. Authors that have Trading Systems in our TSSN may not market their Trading Systems for less money or greater incentive in a competing service whether it´s another service similar to WealthSignals or their own website. Furthermore, Authors may not make mention of any existing competing service(s) anywhere within WealthSignals.

Wealth-Lab.com Terms of Service Violation

Authors that violate provisions in our Terms of Use agreement may have their account suspended without prior notice. Please review these provisions carefully.
Copyright 2012 Quantacula, LLC (Last Updated January 1, 2021)
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