How do I add an image to a post?
Author: innertrader
Creation Date: 3/4/2017 5:25 AM
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I would like to add an Excel table to a forum topic. I thought if I converted it to a picture I would be able to include it, but can't figure out what Insert Picture / Insert Picture Link are looking for. (I uploaded a picture successfully to entry but crashed the post when I tried to save it.)

What do you suggest as the best way for me to get my table in the post so I can reference its data? Table in .PNG format is attached.
profile picture


The size of attachment in a supported format (*.jpg, *.gif, *.png, *.zip, *.rar, *.pdf, *.txt) must not exceed 2-3 MB. Simply click "Add attachments" when creating a post. Later you could right click on the attachment, copy the link and paste it insiden an IMG tag for better visibility (optional).
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