Individual strategy's forum
Author: Yury
Creation Date: 6/27/2012 11:43 AM
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Eugene, hello! You told me that there is a seperate forum for each strategy, and even briefly explained how to get to it. (You could open by following the "N Topics" link next to the uploaded Strategy: ActiveTrader 2011-02 | PnF Double Top - Individual strategy's forum topics.) Please tell us, once again in more detail how to do this?
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Hi Yury,

You must be pulling my leg? I just double-checked that ticket 22148 and made sure that I gave you the direct link. All you had is to visit it and click "Create New Topic".
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Thank you, Eugene! But this forum is empty. Tell me,please, where I can watch the debate, questions and answers for interested strategy? (For example, for the same ActiveTrader 2011-02 | PnF Double Top.)
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Right, empty. Have I already gave a hint to "Create New Topic"?
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Eugene! A simple question. Where can I find the discussion, questions and answers I'm interested in the strategy. (For example, ActiveTrader 2011-02 | PnF Double Top or any other that I'm interested in.)
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Geez, the place is still empty. There is nothing there yet because nobody had posted there before. You can be the first to start a discussion there.
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Well, at this no. But where to find that already have a discussion?
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Click "Strategies and Trading" and browse page by page, noticing the Discussions column.

P.S. The rather suboptimal user experience here is going to be optimized in a future update of the website.
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I see. Be found in the general heap. I think there is a more elegant solution. Thank you.
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