Is there a way around rerunning the entire rotational strategy on each run?
Author: hulley
Creation Date: 2/11/2010 1:50 PM
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Question about rotational strategies.

I am trying to make a rotational on the fidelity sector funds. From my understanding I need to use a sinple symbol strategy and not multi symbol. After I execute the strategy I would like to look at the graphs, but whenever I try look at the graph it reruns the entire strategy. Is there a way around this?
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There is not, but fortunately rotation strategies run in mere seconds in Version 5.

When you click a symbol in Single Symbol mode, it must rerun the Strategy because the symbol context (primary symbol) has changed. Depending on the script and the synchronization of the data for the symbols in the DataSet, it's even expected that the results can be different.
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I am actually noticing different results depending on the primary symbol I click. If there a way to ensure the same results when I click on another primary symbol ?
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Assuming that the script itself isn't the reason, the only way the results will be the same is if all the data are synchronized natively. In other words, every symbol must have bar data for exactly (and all) the same dates. If they don't Wealth-Lab has to synchronize the data by adding or deleting bars w.r.t. to the primary context.

See WealthScript Programming Guide: DataSeries > Accessing Secondary Symbols > Secondary Series Synchronization
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