Neomaster in a rule based strategy form
Author: tastoutdds
Creation Date: 4/18/2009 5:03 PM
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Can anyone convert Neomaster to a rule based strategy form from the code based form? I would like to see this and be able to change some of the rules to see if I can make it work better for my particular strategy. Thanks
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I can't think of a way to make Neo Master rule-based with the Strategy Builder framework. "Neo" uses a boolean (bought) to "reset" the setup such that it will enter multiple positions only once for each decline before that trigger condition turns false again. When an entry occurs, that boolean is set true to prevent new entries until the other condition sets it false.

That interaction isn't compatible with the framework, but it certainly possible that a new combined indicator could simulate the interaction. It's probably a lot more trouble than it's worth though :(
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