With Rules available you can hardly accomplish this using Daily data. If you switch to Weekly bars you can get it done several ways:
A. From "
Price (or Volume) Action" group of conditions:
Buy At Market (i.e. Monday)
Price is higher by X% than it was a number of bars ago (Lookback = 1, Percentage = -3)
Price is lower by X% than it was a number of bars ago (Lookback = 1, Percentage =
-0.5 0.5)
Sell At Close (i.e. Friday)
Sell at percent-based Trailing Stop (Percent: 3.0)
B. From "
ROC" group of conditions:
Buy At Market (i.e. Monday)
Price is more than X% below previous day's Price (Lookback = 1, Percent = -3)
Price is more than X% above previous day's Price (Lookback = 1, Percent =
-0.5 0.5)
Sell At Close (i.e. Friday)
Sell at percent-based Trailing Stop (Percent: 3.0)