TASC 2014-05 | A Trading Method For The Long Haul (Pendergast)
Author: Eugene
Creation Date: 6/15/2015 1:10 PM
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WEALTHPRO25 asked:

i changed the code so provider will be fidelity, i am getting runtime error

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Cone replied:

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There is no such item string.

Places to find Fidelity Fundamental item strings:
1. Help > WealthScript Programming Guide > Fundamental Analysis > Corporate Fundamental Data

2. Help > WLP Fundamental Data Guide > p. 23

3. ...and, WLP's Fundamental Data dialog .. the item listed is precisely the string you need to use.

In the case of eps, it's "earnings per share"

Also, you'll need to remove this statement if you're depending on Fidelity data:
Please log in to see this code.

For Fidelity, all valid detail strings are listed in the QuickRef (F11) GetDetail method doc.
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WEALTHPRO25 asked:

can you please help me modify the code for this strategy since 99wallstreet.com is not a proper provider can you help me write a code so we can use fidelity as a provider thank you for the earnings data
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"EPSSurprise" is an integral part of the Strategy logic and can't be simply removed. This Strategy can be converted for use with a fundamental data provider only if it returns an earnings surprise item. From reading the WS Programming Guide, I have an impression that Fidelity fundamental data does not contain it. Unless I'm mistaken, we really need 99WallStreet to fix their corrupt data or a suggestion for an alternative feed to develop a new provider!
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, thank you
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Good news. I was able to find an alternative feed for historical earnings including estimates and surprises - StreetInsider. Thus, creation of a new fundamental data provider seems feasible. Essentially it will be a drop-in replacement. When the provider arrives, all you have to do is update StreetInsider fundamental data and reload the updated Strategy.

Look for the re-released Strategy + new provider (as part of MS123 Fundamental/News provider library) early next month.
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thank you eugene, you are the best
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dear eugene,

can you please modify so that this method is required for a stock to have a strong history of positive earnings surprises over the last couple of years even though there is only a handful of entry points. thanks
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Yes. Look for it early next month (WLP > "Open strategy" dialog > Download... button). This will be a new strategy.
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thank you.
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Unless I'm mistaken, we really need 99WallStreet to fix their corrupt data or a suggestion for an alternative feed to develop a new provider!

Finally, 99WallStreet fixed their dates which had been missing the year part. Since there happen to be some layout change the existing provider version won't work. A fix is released. Please update the provider to its latest version 2016.09.
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UPDATE 01/28/2019

Neither 99WallStreet nor StreetInsider providers are good these days to support this strategy's code. The former feed has stopped updating their data back in 2018 and the latter has strong protection against automatic downloaders. A better alternative appeared: Zacks Adjusted Earnings. We've updated the downloadable strategy's code on our website. Get the new "Rev.C" strategy from WL6: "Open strategy" dialog > Download... button.
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