MS123 Extra Fundamental/News Providers
by MS123 (Eugene)

This collection of fundamental providers offers news, insider transactions, analyst ratings, earnings, dividends for stocks and other data including economic series (free of charge).

Check out the provider's home page in the Wiki for more instructions and its open source code:

InsiderCow fundamental data provider for insider transactions
OpenInsider fundamental data provider for insider transactions
Analyst Ratings provider
Morningstar dividend data provider
FRED (Federal Reserve) static provider for economic/fundamental data
Multpl economic data provider
Backtesting deposits and withdrawals (auxiliary provider)
Inflation (economic data)
MarketBeat analyst ratings
SeekingAlpha news provider
Zacks adjusted earnings data provider
and more

Data provided by SeekingAlpha (historical news), InsiderCow and OpenInsider (insider transactions), MarketBeat (analyst ratings), Morningstar (dividends and fundamentals), Zacks (earnings), Multpl (economic data), ThinkNum and FRED (fundamental data) etc.

author picture


Publisher: MS123
Category: Provider
Version: 2020.08
Licence: Freeware
Availability: Pro and Developer
# of Downloads: 121
Forum posts: 14
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