YCharts Fundamental Data for Securities and Economic Data
by MS123 (Eugene)

This YCharts provider offers an extensive collection of 80 fundamental data items for securities (last 30 years) and 17 major economic data items. Check out the provider's home page in the Wiki for more instructions and the complete lists of fundamental/economic data items:

YCharts Fundamental Data for Securities and Economic Data

After installing the provider, enable "YCharts Fundamental Data for Securities" in the Data Manager and configure the provider before collecting fundamental data. Enable "YCharts Economic Data" to download economic data.

Note: the provider requires a paid subscription to YCharts. Before downloading the data, make sure your YCharts email address and password were entered correctly on the YCharts tab in the Data Manager (not Yahoo!).

author picture


Publisher: MS123
Category: Provider
Version: 2020.10
Licence: Freeware
Availability: Developer
# of Downloads: 55
Forum posts: 0
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