You are right of course in your intentions. Thank you. And I am being lazy. Well, I have picked up a copy of "C# 2008 for Dummies" and have been struggling to read a few pages now and then for two years or so now, and still mired in the nowhere of dislexia crossed eyes and instant narco sleep induced by its text. What do you call someone who is a lesser Dummy? A Clueless Coder?
I figured out the original logic for my very simple Boingo exercise in WL4 which reasonably often, generates modest gains. Of course it does well on the IBD 100, but it also does reasonably well on the WL100, and without a huge amount of trading transactions.
Sorry, in putting it into WL5 version, I took the lazy shortcut and used WL5's wizard. I am sure it can be easily improved and made more consistent.
For what it is modestly worth, I'd like to share the exercise with other hard working but frustrated perpetual newbies.
So the WL5 strategy rules wizard generated the following code:
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