Buy the best performing stocks for the last 6 months
Author: Carloseta
Creation Date: 9/3/2009 11:25 PM
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I'm trying to create a strategy that buys the best performing stocks for the last 6 months and sells after a specified time.

How do I tell the system to rank the symbols by performance so it buys the best gainers?

Here is what I have so far...

Also, Is there away to convert a script back to rules after it has been converted to code?

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How do I tell the system to rank the symbols by performance so it buys the best gainers?
See the RSI Rotation strategy. It's the same idea, but it uses RSI instead of MomentumPct as the rank indicator to rotate in and out of stocks. If you're time frame doesn't correspond to a day, week, or month, then you'll need to add a little more logic.

Also, Is there away to convert a script back to rules after it has been converted to code?
It's not possible.
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