Chart Sharing
Author: zorgnak
Creation Date: 2/23/2011 8:34 PM
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Does anyone know a way to share a chart with others?
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1. In WLP, right click and select "Copy chart to clipboard" (or Ctrl-C if you want a custom area), then save the chart in a PNG file using MS Paint (comes with Windows).
2. Use any of the thousand free image hosting services you can find by googling. After uploading the saved chart's picture file, post the direct link they gave you here, wrapping it with IMG tag:

[IMG ][ /IMG] (remove spaces).
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Thanks Eugene. I knew about the copying to clipboard and the options but didn't occur to look for a hosting service. Is there any one in particular that you've found appealing?
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Just pick something from Google's top 10 of results and whatever works for you is fine with me. :)
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