Right, I should have run the diagnostic before I wrote.
Anyway, this is the errant line that prompts exits at the next bar:
( bbL[signalBar] > (bbL[signalBar+10])
when eliminated, all other Exit conditions work fine
if changed to:
if ((bbL[signalBar]>(bbL[signalBar]+10)
it does not function, but all other Exit conditions still work fine
This Exit condition was meant to prompt an exit if the bbL at the 10th bar
forward from the signalBar was lower than the bbL at the signalBar. What is
the correct syntax for this?
I was using this as a surrogate for the Exit condition that I really wanted but could
not find a way of writing: if there is a consecutive decline in the bbLs of the 10 bars
following signalBar, then Exit. Can the CumDown command be utilised for this? If so, how