Exits that key off SignalBar technical indicators
Author: topcat77
Creation Date: 10/30/2008 12:00 PM
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The short-trending strategy below has several Exit conditions, three of which key off technical indicators that belong to the SignalBar (the bar that generates the Signal. These are, EXIT at market IF 1) Rsi is higher than the rsi at the SignalBar by a specific number, for example +20rsi 2) Rsi is lower than the rsi at the SignalBar by a specific number, for example -20rsi 3 the lower Bollinger Band 10 bars from the SignalBar is lower than the lowerBollinger Band at the SignalBar.

The script works fine except for these exits. I am thinking that I have set up the Signal Bar :

int signalBar = 0

incorrectly, and have tried several alternatives to rectify this, including using EntryBar. Help much appreciated:

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signalBar is flagged on entry bar, right? In your case, it was 0.

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Thanks . . . . .but, as written, the script exits (virtually) every position after
one bar; the vast majority of those (1 bar) exits happen if the first bar has a
loss from entry. There seems to be no logic to the trades that last longer

signalBar is flagged on entry bar, right? In your case, it was 0.

I take Signalbar to mean the bar that shows the signal and Entrybar to mean the open of the next bar
(at which the signal is executed). It doesn't matter (too much) to the logic of
the strategy whether the rsi and bb differentials are keyed off the Signalbar or the Entrybar

any thoughts on why this script is not behaving?
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but, as written, the script exits (virtually) every position after
one bar; the vast majority of those (1 bar) exits happen if the first bar has a
loss from entry.

Instead of troubleshooting your exit conditions, when they are allowed to trigger once too often (thanks to the OR divider), try to process one condition at a time. It will let you identify the problematic one(s) in this exit logic.

I take Signalbar to mean the bar that shows the signal and Entrybar to mean the open of the next bar (at which the signal is executed).

Then you would need this snippet instead of the fragment used above:
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Right, I should have run the diagnostic before I wrote.

Anyway, this is the errant line that prompts exits at the next bar:

( bbL[signalBar] > (bbL[signalBar+10])

when eliminated, all other Exit conditions work fine
if changed to:

if ((bbL[signalBar]>(bbL[signalBar]+10)

it does not function, but all other Exit conditions still work fine
This Exit condition was meant to prompt an exit if the bbL at the 10th bar
forward from the signalBar was lower than the bbL at the signalBar. What is
the correct syntax for this?

I was using this as a surrogate for the Exit condition that I really wanted but could
not find a way of writing: if there is a consecutive decline in the bbLs of the 10 bars
following signalBar, then Exit. Can the CumDown command be utilised for this? If so, how


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I was using this as a surrogate for the Exit condition that I really wanted but could
not find a way of writing: if there is a consecutive decline in the bbLs of the 10 bars
following signalBar, then Exit. Can the CumDown command be utilised for this? If so, how

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1)how do I fit this segment in with my other Exits:

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2) to introduce a tolerance in the consecutive declines (nothing works in a 10 bar straight line)
so that "down" in the series for each bar is defined as, for example, "lower than
(previous bar bbL*1.0002)would it be correct to alter the CumDown statement to:

CumDown.Series(bbL*1.0002,1)[bar]>=10) ..... ?

3) It would be helpful to find the answer to

This Exit condition was meant to prompt an exit if the bbL at the 10th bar
forward from the signalBar was lower than the bbL at the signalBar. What is
the correct syntax for this?

Apologies for making a meal of this
This will be the fifth of eight patterns that the program will run concurrently in WL


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I would much appreciate guidance with these three questions.
On 2) every combination of script that I try with the OR divider
is disliked by the compiler

Thanks in advance
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1)how do I fit this segment in with my other Exits:

Just the same as done by you before -- using the regular C# operator.
2) to introduce a tolerance in the consecutive declines (nothing works in a 10 bar straight line)

...you could, instead, specify a larger value for the period parameter. It would not be consecutive any more, but that's the price to pay for "tolerance".
(previous bar bbL*1.0002)would it be correct to alter the CumDown statement to:

CumDown.Series(bbL*1.0002,1)[bar]>=10) ..... ?

No. It seems to me that when you want to go "lower", you need not to use a multiplier larger than 1.

As to #3, right now there are some other tasks that prevent me from performing this custom coding.
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Just the same as done by you before -- using the regular C# operator.

Here's the problem:

if written as

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the script compiles, but eliminates all trades

if written as:

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it does not compile

In my (short) walk with WL I haven't dealt with an IF statement within an OR
divider so I figure that : if (bar==signalBar+10) may be out of place , but
haven't been able to work through its correct position

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It doesn't compile because of syntax errors. See the little red "squiggles" in the Editor? It's telling you that it's expecting something (like a parenthesis) to be there.

You need a set of parentheses around the entire "if" argument. In between, you don't need any parentheses to delimit statements, as was required in Pascal. My advice is don't use them unless required for logical order -

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thanks much, especially for the tutorial. the script compiles ok


every trade exits at the first bar after entry (!!)

here is the full script:

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can you tell why?
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Looks like we need to continue the lesson. Here's how the if's work:

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Now can you fix your code?
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