I am attempting to model a Sector Rotation strategy in WealthLab using IBD's Industry Group data. Can I somehow use the existing tools to generate a position entry for a specific stock? I understand how to generate position entry criteria for any stock in a data set, but not how to force a position entry for a specific stock in a data set. If not doable with the existing tool set, are there any coded examples on this web site you can point me to for some self-study?
SetContext (and RestoreContext when finished) forces a position entry for a specific stock in the current DataSet (not arbitrary).
OK - I can't check it out right now, but I can load a data set with all the stocks I will need for my back test. I can also add to this list once I generate a new Sector/Group position to be taken in the upcoming week. The signal generation work is accomplished over the weekend.
I assume this will require a coded solution. Can I reference a text (or other file) that has the specific stock symbols and position entry start dates?
Can I reference a text (or other file) that has the specific stock symbols and position entry start dates?
Import real (historical) trades from Community Components does just that. However, this isn't a rotation strategy anymore.