Screen for market cap and Equity Summary Score
Creation Date: 6/9/2015 5:32 PM
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can you please help me create a stock screen with a strategy, market cap 1000 millions, and equity summary score above 9, i tried using strategy rules but was not successful
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What steps did you take and how did you determine that they were unsuccessful?
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i have attached the file of my work
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Would you like to elaborate on what the problem is?
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i do not get any alerts
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can you please show me how to do the screen for equity summary score more than 9 and market cap more than 1000 million. thank you
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i do not get any alerts

That's right. Items #1 and #2 on this FAQ explain why Alerts are not triggered. (If you haven't seen our FAQs yet, I highly recommend you do so.)

Change your entry to Buy At Market and they will appear.

P.S. In addition, don't forget to update the Fidelity fundamental data before running the screen.
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dear eugene,

i changed the entry to buy at market and still i did not get any trades or alerts, i tried for dow 30 stocks, and wealth lab 100 stocks, can you please help me with the code to screen for stocks with equity summary score greater than 9 and market cap more than 1000 millions. thank you

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Like I said, update the Fidelity fundamental data (including but not limited to ESS).

Then consider loading enough data and verify by looking over individual charts if there are some stocks with ESS > 9 for today.
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i updated all fidelity data including fundamental data, and check market all the fidelity icons, it took more than 2 hours to update, now if i have both equity summary score and market cap it does not give any alerts or trades, if i take out market cap than it gives me alerts and trades. i think the market cap data is not fed somehow, please help
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Looking over individual charts with your screener is the easiest way to determine if there is the market cap data or not. What does the chart show?
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it is blank
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Then your Fidelity fundamental data in charge of Market Cap has not been updated for whatever reason.

We're going to see if the data is OK or not.
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I can't find anything wrong with market cap, which like other Fidelity ratios is calculated from available fundamental data (price, shares, etc.).

1. In Data Manager > Update Data tab, is "Fidelity Fundamental Data for Securities" checked?

2. Important:
You cannot get [reliable] "screening" Alerts using the Strategy Wizard (because the wizard creates trading strategies, not screeners).

To create a screener, you have to modify the code by clicking "Convert to Code-Based Strategy, removing the trading loop, and setting bar = Bars.Count - 1 as described in the WealthScript Programming Guide > Techniques > Creating a Screener
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thank you
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