Sharing a Strategy file
Author: MrHari
Creation Date: 5/14/2018 6:47 PM
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I have a bunch of strategy scripts which I want to share with other people, is there a place on the site where I can publish and share the link? These scripts do not necessarily do buy and sell. Some of them just do charting. Some of them just do some calculations based on the price data and output in the debug window.
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As I see you've found the place for sharing strategies on your own. We're mainly interested in publishing strategies that contain original trading rules (i.e. not some minor variation of an existing script). For a strategy that doesn't trade (and falls under "Utility" category), it's expected to bring something new and valuable to the community (e.g. Portfolio Rebalancing; Historical Trades...; Stability of All Indicators). If your charting code is complex enough and hasn't been uploaded before (like Elliott Wave, for example), then we'd review it. Thanks.
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Hi Eugene,

It looks like the script location is this - Is there a way to see the script on the site without downloading to WealthLab? Some people I plan to share my script will like to just see the script and may not necessarily be even using WealthLab.

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Hi Harendra,

As they become available for everyone to see and for every user to download into Wealth-Lab (once approved), submissions must meet certain criteria (original concept, trading rules etc). Because the uploaded scripts are of very limited value to the Wealth-Lab community, they were marked as private. Unfortunately, it's not possible to use our website to share "utility" scripts with a limited group of users. Only you can have access to your private scripts in WLP using your account (or see them on our website). Sorry.
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np. I understand. I found another site to host the scripts.
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For a no-frills solution you might want to use Pastebin or alternatives. Just paste and off you go. Signup is optional unlike GitLab or GitHub.
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Good idea. Thanks Eugene!
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