Please allow me to use a few examples for the purpose of discussion:
Perfect description for this indicator with a very clear syntax and code example -- big thanks.
In, under "TASC Indicators - source
", the code for Midas.cs only lists the object implementation. Where can I find the code for the actual example listed above? Where is the code that acutally evaluates/draws the indicator?
Description is not clear.
Where is the "Example"? (currently blank)
So where can I find the code for the actual example?
Again, I picked two examples at random for the purpose of discussion. Most indicators fall into these two categories.
Also, is there a plan to improve most B's to A's?
Source code for indicators is provided only for "Open Source" components, like Community.Indicators and TASCIndicators, the latter of which include Midas and Gapo. At the WL5Wiki site, click the component in the left column under "Open Source Home" and you'll see links to download the source. Also, see Open Source Home to see how you can contribute.
Note that TASCIndicators are created primarily for the convenience of TASC subscribers, and it's assumed that they have the magazine article as a reference. As for Gapo description and example (referencing an article in 2000, well before my time) if someone can provide them to me, we'll make sure it gets updated.
Thanks, Cone.
Sorry for not being clear. As mentioned in my earlier post, the souce for the library is indeed there under "://, TASC Indicators - source", but the code segment that uses the class object is not. The code that uses the object sometimes appears in the 'example' section of each indicator description as shown in my post.
Basically, I was trying to find out where to download the code segment that used the class library. There are a few indicators that currently draw nothing and I would like to figure out why.
Again, I picked the two indicators in random just for the discussion purpose. There are many indicators that do not have the 'example' section.
Help will be appreciated.
I'm sorry the Examples are not complete for the TASCIndicators, but the syntax is. All indicators are created and used the same way. You need only to use the correct syntax, and there are countless examples. See the WealthScript Programming Guide for more insight and examples.
If you have a specific question why your indicator isn't plotting, or whatever, just post the code with you question. (Click the CODE button to post code.)
Thanks, Cone. We are getting one step closer, but let me try to clarify further.
>>If you have a specific question why your indicator isn't plotting, or whatever, just post the code with you question. (Click the CODE button to post code.)
This is exactly my problem. If your source code distribution does not include the code that plot the indicator (for those indicators that come with the WLPro release), we have no way to post the code here. The indicators in question came from WLP 5.4.
>>All indicators are created and used the same way. You need only to use the correct syntax
Very good point. Perhaps there's no need to view the code. The implementation is standard -- get the parameter(s), create indicator series, create pane, and plot the result.
One more question while we are on this subject. There are many great indicators written in WL4's language. Is there a plan to convert them to C# (not using the translator) so that we can use them with WLP 5 and beyond?
What does our source code distribution have to do with the way you use the indicator? (It's like asking Microsoft for how they programmed Word so that you can write an essay.) I still don't get it.
Maybe you're calling Examples "source code"?
Is there a plan to convert them to C#
There is no dedicated effort planned to convert all custom indicators. Most of them showed up in only 1 or 2 public scripts.
However, most of the popular indicators have already been converted in one of our three Indicator libraries - Standard.Indicators, TASCIndicators, or Community.Indicators. Anyone can program their own favorite and add it to the Community.Indicators just like they were added to the Code Library in 4x.
We'll help if time permits, but we're maxed out on several much more important projects that we'll deliver later this year - I think the community will be surprised with what's coming up.
>>What does our source code distribution have to do with the way you use the indicator? (It's like asking Microsoft for how they programmed Word so that you can write an essay.) I still don't get it.
Ok. Let's run WLP 5.4. Pick one stock. Pick one TASC indicator (come with the WLP 5.4 distribution) under the indicator drop-down menu and drag it to the window. Most of the time the indicator will be drawn nicely. I am assuming that your company implemented most of the TASC indicators, including the code segment that drew the indicators. All of these have nothing to do with my use of the indicators. I didn't draw the indicator that came with your standard WLP release -- I just pick and drag some popular TASC inducators.
When I encounter an issue with a 'built-in' indicator (such as not plotting), I would like to copy and paste the code section that uses the indicator for farther investigation. But without getting access to the code, we have no way to show you the code.
Not sure why this is so hard to understand :-)
I would like to copy and paste the code section that uses the indicator for farther investigation.
It was hard to understand because this is the first time you mentioned
drag and drop. Up until now you've been pointing me to source code for the indicators. This tells me that you want to know how an indicator is constructed.
Drag and drop is not implemented with code in Version 5, although later there will be a way to generate the script code for dropped indicators (in 5.6, I believe).
If an indicator doesn't drag and drop correctly (the ones you mentioned do in fact work), then ask about it here or create a Support Ticket. We'll fix bugs with our products.