Excel/OpenOffice DDE Streaming Provider by Eugene

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Any way easier to input data in the table, by copying/paste from Excel ?
Is there any editable file where we can input the symbols and link list ??
I have almost 500 cells to fill in.
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You can only copy/paste within one cell, not in bulk. One possible way is to come with a programmatic solution to write the provider's XML config file directly:

c:\Users\Windows username\AppData\Roaming\Fidelity Investments\WealthLabDev\\Data\DDEProvider\DDESettings.xml
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How can I get the Excel/OpenOffice DDE Streaming Provider Extension on the Wealth-lab site? Although I had registered an ID,I could not download the file.

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Only customers can download extensions. You will get the provider after purchasing the software, gaoshang123:

Purchase Wealth-Lab Developer
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Hi, guys. I've got a problem with DDE dataset. I've been installed DDE extension and in the DataManager i see DDE Data tab. But when i try to create new DataSet and try to select DDE data provider, i can not to do this - there is no DDE data provider in the list. How can i solve this problem?
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Starting from version 2012.02, there is no need (and no way) to create a DDE DataSet like before. For real versatility, the DDE streaming provider can be used with almost any static data source. Please follow the KB article's step by step instructions on how to get this provider up & running:

DDE streaming provider for Excel/OpenOffice

As can be seen, one just needs to match the streaming symbol on the DDE tab with an existing static symbol from any static DataSet to power up this DataSet with streaming quotes coming from your DDE feed.
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Hello, I try to add a data from Excel file (string marked red on the screenshot), but when i was made setting by the wiki for DDE provider and try to run the chart i catch exception (Call destination created an exception). Where i made the mistake
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Your attachment did not work out (unsupported format or file size too big) so I've no idea what the red line is.

You might want to try OpenOffice if Excel fails, DDE worked reasonably well there.
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Hello it's me again I try to add a data from Excel file (string marked red on the screenshot by the link), but when i was made setting by the wiki for DDE provider and try to run the chart Wealth-lab has crashed. Where i was wrong. ?

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2 obvious errors:

1. The sheet is called "Real Time Bars" whereas you have it as "Sheet16" on the DDE tab.
2. R14C1 and R14C9 contain strings, not double values.

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Hello, In Excel price change occurs at 2 pages Real Time Bars and Tickers question which page to connect and 2) can you have a DDE screen streaming provider for Excel.
3) when I try to install the ticker DBK -60 minutes, he wrote the following 60-minute date scales are not supported by the data provider: BBFree Static
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1) You specify the sheet that contains streaming data updates. Presumably, and as I already suggested, "Real Time Bars" is the proper sheet name ("Sheet16" will not be recognized as it's missing in your spreadsheet).

2) No idea. What "a DDE screen" is?

3) The error is self-descriptive: BBFree provider does not support 60-minute bars. You can load Daily data (and higher) with this provider, but can not switch to an intraday time frame.
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mikha-zheleznov asked:

1.Pochemu of Excel spreadsheet quotes do not go to Wealth-Lab? I have Windows7 64 bit and excel 2013 and I have done everything as stated in the WIKI.

Excel in front of me, quotes me on page Tickers, bid as it is written in a cell in the WIKI R12C21, but there is no export, attach screenshots and Wealth-Lab and Excel:


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These links do not work. Your screenshot from post #9 is already broken. Please do not use external links for screenshots. Simply attach your files straight to your post when replying by clicking on "Add Attachment(s)".

I believe that I've provided you with sufficient advice on solving your configuration problems but you did not reply to my post #12. If you have further questions, you need to indicate which steps have been taken to correct your configuration errors.
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Hi Eugene, in the TWS DDE for Excel API is no such page as "Real Time Bars". Quotes streamed only on pageTickers. There Bid Price and Last price. Wealth-Lab Table DDE Date writing topic intention D: \ TWS API \ samples \ Excel \ TwsDde.xls
Topic -DBK
Sheet- Tickers
I did everything like in the WIKI, but no exports, What did I do wrong

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Hi Michail,

1. If localized (international) version of Excel is installed, the row/cell code can be different. For example, in German Excel it looks like Z6S3 (instead of R6C3).
2. Make sure that the cells contain double values, not strings (double check your cell format properties in Excel).
3. If nothing else helps, install OpenOffice Calc. BTW, it's easier to set up (i.e. A1 instead of R1C1).

Although the DDE provider may work, it isn't meant for serious real-time trading because DDE quotes are not saved anywhere. (Originally, this project emerged from customer demand in a demo of an open source provider code.) In case of any interruption, the data for the current bar (hour, day etc.) becomes incomplete and incorrect. As suggested before, consider using S#.WealthLab - StockSharp - the Interactive Brokers connector developed by a 3rd party Russian company.
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