Sorry, I was wrong: it's not an issue of settings or whatever. I guess I know what's happening. Your Strategy Parameters box now looks like this:
And there are two issues with this:
1. 4 parameters have an identical name but each parameter name should be unique for the Optimizer to function correctly. This is an unfortunate case when the Rule Wizard has to apply a default name ("Period"). Unfortunately, editing Strap names and values in the Optimization Control is disabled for Rule-based Strategies (by design). To change the "Period" to e.g. "Period1", "Period2" etc. you'd have to click "Open code in new Strategy window" and edit these lines by hand e.g.
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Also note that double clicking an optimization result on the Results tab would cause a handled exception rather than run a backtest with chosen settings. However, if you edit the code as above you'll gain back this feature.
But we're not done with the editing yet.
2. Another problem is that by default they're all set to the same value (10) as you can see. A crossover of 10-period indicator with itself won't generate any trades. No wonder you're not seeing any. So to see trades just change the sliders to
unique values each and rerun your portfolio backtest.
Your assumption about "no trades are generated" is incorrect. They are. Just scroll the Results tab way down to see that there are many, buried under the multitude of zero-trade entries like:
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Bottom line:
1. Rename the parameters uniquely
2. Edit the parameter ranges so that they don't match i.e. the fast MA period must not be equal to the slow MA period (an indicator cannot cross itself)
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