Access the Position Sizing Settings at run-time
Author: BigReturns
Creation Date: 1/6/2014 12:28 PM
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I was looking for a way to access the position size (percent of equity) at run-time but couldn't find any documentation for this.

I do not need to change the size, I just need to see it so I can adjust variables based on the Position Size (% Of Equity).

Is there a way to do this?
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GetPositionSize from Community Components will get the job done. More information in the Wiki and here:

Get Starting Capital from Code
How to get strategy name and starting capital?
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Thank Eugene.

Is there a complete list of community components API somewhere? I need the "Percent of Equity" value at run-time.
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It's not some "Community Components API" -- that's Wealth-Lab's own raw configuration string it uses to store the position sizing settings. The percent of equity is highlighted:

PositionSize=PctEquity;5000;1;100000;5000;100;10;3;Position Options ;1;0;*Position Options ^PctEquity|5000|10|2|False|5|False|1|False|False|2|False|2|False|0|False|False|0|0.5|2|False|False|5|False|0|5|False|0.1|10|False|50000|0|False|50000|0|False|15|False|False|False|
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You can find everything that's included in Community.Components in the Wiki.

Atop this page, click Wealth-Lab >> Wiki >> Community.Components
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