Accounts Window - Displaying Mutual Fund Positions
Author: sdbens20
Creation Date: 10/13/2010 11:30 AM
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The "All Live Accounts" display in the Accounts window does not display two positions in LSIIX. Two of my six accounts have one LSIIX position each. Fidelity's WLP Help Desk tells me that these two mutual fund positions do not display because WLP is a "stocks only" trading tool. Is this true? I'm using WLP to trade ETF's and all ETF positions are listed on "All Live Accounts" and well as in windows showing individual accounts. Also cash positions and money market mutual funds are displayed. When I mentioned the display of ETF, cash, and money market mutual funds, the Fidelity rep said the display of these three position types is a bug that will be fixed.

I prefer that the Accounts windows display all types of open positions. Shouldn't LSIIX be displayed?
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Fidelity phone support are the right guys to talk to about Accounts, Trading, and Fidelity data. It's true, fund and option positions should not be displayed. If they are, for sure they won't be in 6.1.
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Cone, Fidelity directed me to post my issue on the forum page since it seemed to be a matter of how WLP is designed to function. Also:

1. My post did not mention options. I do not trade options at this time so it's not currently an issue for me.

2. As my original post noted, I do trade ETF's. I hope that WLP continues to fully support ETF activity and lists EFT positions in the Accounts window.

3. At present, my All Live Accounts window includes six lines of cash entries for FCASH, FDRXX, and QPIRQ. The three FDRXX entries are incorrect in that they show $0 market values and negative values in the Profit column equal to the total values of those positions. I have raised this issue with Fidelity and they said they were working on it.

4. I'm surprised that you seem adament about not showing mutual fund positions in the Accounts window. What's the harm?? Since WLP permits pulling in mutual fund data and appling and monitoring trading strategies, seems reasonable to show a Fidelity customer all the positions thay have in their accounts.


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you seem adament about not showing mutual fund positions in the Accounts window.
I or anyone else at MS123 (Wealth-Lab third-party support) don't have anything to do with what Fidelity shows in their Accounts view. I'm just relaying the information that you've asked for.
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