Add a trailing stop to a BB strategy
Author: Wrightboy
Creation Date: 8/18/2009 12:44 AM
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Just downloaded WLP over the weekend. Ran several different back test using the pre-defined and drag and drop. I'm not a programer by no means. Mainly testing QLD and QID. I was mainly a buy and hold trader until last year. Sold out in September 08 and started back in May of this year mainly swing trading ETF's. Wanting to add some day trading into the mix using QLD, QID. Bollinger Band is the best thing I've come up with so far, but haven't been able to get it to trade both. I'm sure some of the programers have a program that will sell one and then buy the other and so fourth. Any suggestions would be appreciated
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Unlike advisers, programmers typically can't help with add something to achieve whatever may happen -- they need explicit and verbose requirements. Considering that Bollinger Bands are readily available in Rule-based strategies, what specific problem should we help with?
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The entry and exit stratagy in the Bollinger bands are OK, but I would like to be able to add a trailing stop loss of $X and another trailing stop loss if profit % = x amount then trailing stop loss is $X. I would also like to make sure I close a position in lets say QLD before entering a position in QID and vice of virsa. Can this be done by a non programer?
Any help appreciated
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You should be able to do this with the Strategy Builder. See User Guide: Strategy Window > Strategy Builder
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