Adding Position.Priority (again)
Author: Carloseta
Creation Date: 4/21/2010 10:36 AM
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I'm trying to add the position priority function to this script. I can't seem to get it right.

If any can add it to the script it would be helpful. If you show me the final code I can figure out what you did.

Also what does the position priority function sort by? Return or share price. It was unclear to me after reading the help.

Thank you

Carlo Seta

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Have you looked at the QuickRef example that makes it illustrative?
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Also what does the position priority function sort by? Return or share price.

Whatever you want it to: for example, the value of an indicator at the current bar, share price. By default, it's a random value.
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I have looked at the QuickRef but I was not able to figure it out.

I'm not a programmer so I'm struggling through it.

I assume I add my indicator where you have "... value...".

Is there a list of indicators in the QuickRef guide?

I know this is very basic to you, but it as all greek to me.

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I assume I add my indicator where you have "... value...".

You're right. See the WealthScript Programming Guide on accessing data series if you have doubts regarding the syntax.
Is there a list of indicators in the QuickRef guide?

In the Wealth-Lab Wiki, Standard Indicators (+ TASCIndicators and Community.Indicators.)
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