Average volume code
Author: coley12345
Creation Date: 4/7/2006 8:14 AM
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I want to be able to ensure I only pick stocks that at the time of trigger have a 30 day average volume of say 10000 or greater.

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But which one of these is correct within the system loop?

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Also can you tell me why the incorrect one wont work?

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The first is correct. VolAv is an randomly-assigned integer variable that represents the 30-period Average Volume SERIES. This integer is only useful for accessing the entire series, whenever a Series variable is required in a WealthScript function.

To access the value at a specific bar, you need to use GetSeriesValue or the @ syntax, i.e. this is also equivalent to the GetSeriesValue statement -
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See the WealthScript Language Guide for more details. It's required reading and a good reference if you're programming in WealthScript.
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thanks Cone
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trader rog


I am trying to figure out how to code daily dollar volume (50 day average volume multiplied by the previous day closing price) at the time of the signal. This is what I have currently:

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It works correctly for signals in the past few weeks but not for signals generated a year or two ago. It seems to be the same issue that coley was having above but when I tried the fix that Cone suggested, it didn't change anything. I am using version 6.1 so not sure if that is why. Please help.
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Cone's suggestion applied to a different program version (WL4) with a different language (Pascal). Moving the discussion from the old WL4 forums to the new.

On the surface, the limited code snippet above does not make it possible to understand what is going wrong. Please post more code demonstrating how you're using it, as well as provide an example where you think it fails (symbol, data provider etc.)
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