Be informed or alerted when buy condition is met?
Author: sarokhatch
Creation Date: 7/15/2013 12:45 PM
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I have built a strategy which I feel gives me the right time to buy stocks or options. I have a list of 200 tickers which I would like to monitor daily. But it is a pain switching between these 200 tickers to see if the condition is right for a buy (sometimes I buy call/put options and i don't see abilitity to do options) . Is it possible to create a strategy, apply 200 tickers to it and be informed or alerted when buy condition is met?
For simplicity lets say when RSI crosses above 30 is a strategy to buy at market. I would like to be informed which tickers are meeting this criteria throughout the day and be informed the second the RSI crosses over he oversold (30) or even be alerted when the hypothetical buy is taking place.
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One technique is creating a screen to identify symbols that currently match a condition. It's described in the WealthScript Programming Guide > Techniques > Creating a Screener. Then you can be alerted by email by plugging in some addon code: AlertByEmail. Or if you prefer an audible alert, check out the example in the Wealth-Lab User Guide > Preferences > Sounds.
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I read the help. So let me see if I understand this corectly. I basically create a dataset, setup a strategy, open the strategy , make sure update data on demand is checked. Then i click on the dataset and click backtest on all symbols? This stays running and notifies me with a sound when there is a buy?
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On demand data update won't help in this case: it's not for running strategy unattended (which is what you're trying to do). Streaming charts are suboptimal for 200 tickers too. I think that to generate Alerts for DataSets, you can use the Strategy Monitor.
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