Beta and EBIT/Revenue data
Author: bb8866
Creation Date: 8/3/2015 10:16 AM
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I am trying to set up a stock screening back test that includes beta, and where profit margin is at least 10% (e.g., ebit/revenue > 10 percent). Are these variables available? If so, where are they and how can I enter them to produce the desired output? Thank you for any assistance.
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Re: beta. Yes, Beta is available as part of Community Indicators library (authorization required for download).

Re: Profit margin. You can view the complete list of available fundamental items such as EBIT or Revenue in Fidelity data under the Help menu > WLP Fundamental Data Guide. Both should be available. Don't forget to update Fidelity fundamental data for your DataSet in the Data Manager before putting them to use.

If so, where are they and how can I enter them to produce the desired output?

Depends on what output is desired. In general, it's possible to utilize fundamental data items and indicators in code- or rule-based strategy, and then convert it to a screener as exemplified in the WealthScript Programming Guide > Techniques > Creating a Screener.
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Thank you for your response. How can I obtain authorization to download the Community Indicators library?
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