Can I cancel script execution?
Author: thodder
Creation Date: 10/22/2009 9:02 AM
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Occasionally I'll make a coding error like the following:
Please log in to see this code.

when it should have been:
Please log in to see this code.

Notice that AddDays returns a modified date -- it does not modify the member variable directly.

The coding error above would cause a continuous loop, and once I execute the script it seems I can not cancel it. It is tough to fix the error since the script is read-only while it is executing.

Luckily I can close WLP and it will save my script. When I restart WLP I need to ensure that there is no symbol or dataset selected prior to reopening the strategy so it will not run when it is opened. That allows me to edit the script.

Do you know any way to cancel a script that has a coding error like this?
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I always press Escape and it stops.
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Thanks Eugene! That works.
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