Cannot sort by time in "Orders" screen
Author: piter99
Creation Date: 4/9/2013 12:05 PM
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Last row not visible on screen as # of orders grow. Sorting by time not working in "Orders" screen. If I sort I get unsorted by time data. Only way to restore it is close and open "Orders" screen.
It would be nice to edit columns order too.

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Last row not visible on screen as # of orders grow.
Doesn't the vertical scroll bar appear? You should be able to put added rows into view by scrolling.

Sorting by time not working in "Orders" screen.
The problem here is that the sort is alphabetical, so it doesn't work well with numbers. We've made a case to customize this sort long ago, but maybe it's time to do it again. I've always wanted to see new orders appear at the top of the list too, not the bottom.

It would be nice to edit columns order too.
Sure would. You could say that for every tool that has lists (Quotes, Trades view, etc.)
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Doesn't the vertical scroll bar appear?

If it doesn't, chances are that piter99 could have configured Windows to a non-standard DPI setting.
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Exactly, not to click on scroll bar every time, but see orders at the top.

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