Comparing Daily range as a condition
Author: rjay
Creation Date: 11/4/2011 12:12 PM
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I would like to calculate range as a condition of entry. For example, Buy at Market if todays range was less than the average of past two days. But I can't see range under the conditions in the Wizard ?
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What is range, exactly? In any case, depending on your definition you can choose it from merely a 1-period ATR or Wilder's TrueRange.
But I can't see range under the conditions in the Wizard ?

General Indicators group > "Indicator is above Indicator" > select the two indicators and configure their parameters e.g. TrueRange above 2-day ATR or 1-bar ATR is above 2-bar ATR. Voila.
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Also, you might find it useful: Tutorial Videos

Tutorial Video | Indicators | Designing Rule-based Strategies, Combining different Indicators
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