Correlation Matrix
Author: Sammy_G
Creation Date: 2/17/2011 9:33 PM
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Trying to develop a correlation matrix table; code so far:
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Would like assistance in printing the array/table to commentary window. Suggestions to improve the code also welcome.
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Please see the Wealth-Lab Wiki FAQ | "Missing" features > Can't seem to find the Commentary window.
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OK. [I also reviewed the only script that I could find that uses commentary - Best and Worst Ind Grps.]

Unfortunately, b/c of my general lack of familiarity with arrays and the commands for creating/displaying html tables (and I don't have Front Page), it would be appreciated if you can help me with the coding required for displaying the array contents to a commentary window.
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Not sure why you mentioned FrontPage. It's not required altogether. The CommentaryWindow class works with plain text as well.

Its .AddLine() method accepts strings. Every onbject in .NET has a ToString() method, including double values in an array. While looping over your array, depending on what you would like to output, pass the result of string conversion (e.g. some_double_value.ToString()) to .AddLine(). Appended strings will build the output line by line. Finally when looping is done, send the result to an instance of the CommentaryWindow class using .Display().
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Thanks for those useful tips, Eugene. One more Q: I want the output to look like a table/matrix (e.g. as at; how do I achieve that? (be advised, when it comes to arrays, I am still a newbie!)
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Remember those fancy colorful scripts by fundtimer rendering tables in WL4's Commentary Window? Same principle applies: you build/write raw HTML line by line, and insert those double values from arrays converted into strings. Pure HTML.
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