Crash on sending email alerts via Gmail
Author: sdbens20
Creation Date: 10/3/2014 3:09 PM
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WL is crashing now that am trying to receive alert emails via Gmail. My settings in the Tools/Preferences/Email Settings window are:

SMTP Host -
SMTP Port - 465
Email Addresses - "my gmail address"
User ID - "my Gmail ID"
Password - "my Gmail password"
SSL - checked

When I send a test mail, WL reports successfully sending it but I don't get the email through my Gmail account. After 5-10 minutes, WL stops running.

Any suggestions?

Thank you.


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Something is undoubtedly incorrect about how the settings were applied:

Open Issues > (90180) Email Unhandled Exceptions Crash WL6:
Errors when sending email and/or incorrect settings are not properly handled and within 30-60 seconds WL6 crashes.

May be a typo, or may be incorrect Gmail ID, etc.
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I'm at a loss to know what's wrong with the inputs mentioned in my first posting. Since receiving your response, I have triple checked for typo's and found none. Not sure what I could be doing that would be resulting in the settings being incorrectly applied. I've experienced crashes after each of four trys to get this feature to work.

Is anyone able to receive alert emails via Gmail?

Thanks, again.

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1. Make sure that your Gmail ID is your gmail address in the format of (or full email address if using Google Apps for Domains)
2. Try port 587 (this one's for TLS)

If test message is not received, something is wrong. Then consider giving another SMTP provider a try.
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fwiw, this crash (due to not handling the error in response from the email server) will be fixed in Wl 6.8 (later this month).
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Eugene and Cone,

Thanks for the responses.

Eugene, I have done both things you suggested without success.

After one failed attempt last night, I received the following from Google:

" Hi S,

We recently blocked a sign-in attempt to your Google Account
Please log in to see this code.

Sign in attempt details
Date & Time: Saturday, October 4, 2014 4:14:16 AM UTC
Location: Dayton OH, OH, USA

If this wasn't you
Please review your Account Activity page at to see if anything looks suspicious.
Whoever tried to sign in to your account knows your password; we recommend that you change it right away.

If this was you
You can switch to an app made by Google such as Gmail to access your account (recommended) or change your settings at so that your account is no longer protected by modern security standards.

To learn more, see

The Google Accounts team"

I tried the change to a less secure security standard as they suggested without success. Their suggestion to try using Gmail makes me think that something about trying send emails from WLP is being rejected by Google's email system. Do you know of anyone that can receive WLP alerts using Gmail?

Would please let me know a couple SMTP providers that are known to work with WLP. I signed up for for a account but the amount and type of advertising they throw at you was unacceptable.

I appreciate any help you give me.


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I use Email notifications with gmail every day...

SMTP Host -
SMTP Port - 587
Email Addresses - [another] gmail address
User ID - "my Gmail ID"
Login With Password - checked - (in the first message above, you didn't indicate that this was checked)
Password - "my Gmail password"
SSL - checked
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Maybe Sherm has two-factor authentication enabled? In this case he probably needs to create an application-password and type in that instead of the usual password.
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I had the same experience with gmail test email triggering a crash. Google then also sent an email to my account stating "Google Account: sign-in attempt blocked".

If you then follow the link in the google email to security settings you can "enable access for less secure apps". If you do this Wealth Lab will not crash anymore and the test email will go through to the email account.
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Added this information to our Knowledge Base. Thank you.
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I reported in post #6 above that this was tried without the problem being resolved. Would you please tell me the WLP email settings you use?


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