Data Manager: restore DataSet from backup? delete DataSet prompt
Author: wmrgrove
Creation Date: 10/10/2012 9:46 AM
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In the Data Manager when you right click on the Data Set you have the option to delete the entire Data Set, good.
When you right click on one of the symbols in the Data Set, you can delete the symbol, good. But, you can also again DELETE the Data Set while right clicking on the symbol. This creates a real chance to delete the Data Set by accident.
My suggestion is either remove the option to delete the Data Set when right clicking on the Symbol, or add a pop up note that says "Do you realy want to Delete the Data Set".

I'm pretty sure I am not the first one to accidently delete a data set. My question is how do I relace my Custom Indexs from back-up / archive? When they were accidently deleted, I copied by back-up Custom Indexs folder and pasted it into my data folder in WL 6.3. Then verified they were there, all set. When I go back and re-start WL the Custom Indexs are not there, when I go to create the indexs the Index Manager see's my Custom Indexs and will not allow them to be reproduced with the same name.the
What is the process to replace these files from back-up files of Data Folder? Thanks for any help!

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To restore custom indices, it takes not just restoring the CustomIndices folder from backup but also the corresponding DataSet's XML file.

or add a pop up note that says "Do you realy want to Delete the Data Set".

This one, that you accidentally confirmed when deleting the DS? Been there, done that myself :)

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Eugene, thanks for the quick reply as always, that really helps!!

A note on your above comment. When you delete from the dataset icon as shown above you do get the confirm pop-up. But, when you accidently delete from the symbol icon, sometimes you do not get the confirm pop-up it just deletes the dataset. I don't have time now to figure out those conditions but will update this "string" when I do.

Also per your advice from another post, I contacted Fidelity TS today sbout the issues around "Strategy Window", column width, inability to right click and rename, and others. Hope that will help get some attention?

Thanks again, Bill
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