Data printed to Trade and Performance Tabs of a Strategy
Author: bephipps
Creation Date: 11/15/2013 10:13 AM
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Is there any way to add data printed to the trade and performance tab of a strategy?

On the Trade Tab I am interested in showing the initial risk and R (Profit/Initial Risk) values.

On the Performance Tab I am interested in showing the Expectancy (Average R Value).

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Yes and no.

"No" because one can't modify any of the built-in performance visualizers' tabs.

"Yes" because you can create custom performance visualizers that reflect whatever performance metric you want.

Re: Expectancy. It is already shown on the Performance+ tab -- all it takes is install MS123 Visualizers. There's many other risk/reward ratios there.

Re: Profit/Risk, or "R Multiples". Although R multiples are not (and will not be) displayed by any of our visualizers to avoid legal troubles wit this copyrighted stuff, the Risk/Reward Ratio can be visualized using this module from Trade Graphs visualizer.

For an example of creating custom visualizers, log in to the Wiki with your Wiki account to download the attachment containing updated source code of Performance Visualizers library:

Home - MS123 Visualizers
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Very good stuff. You have a great product here. Thanks
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