DataProvider different timezone and last candle in Strategy Monitor
Author: ichechet
Creation Date: 7/7/2010 11:09 AM
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Just want to know Strategy Monitor knows which candle is the last candle. For example I have +11 hours timezone from NYSE. It means that candle on 11:00 AM will be at 10:00 PM my time. And it's the last candle. Also I have current candle which is also in the past in my time. And I don't want to show this candle. Please give me advise or docs that help to code DataProvider right.
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With the upcoming Wealth-Lab version, the Strategy Monitor will have the means to define custom end time through a new tool called "Market Manager".
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I know about upcoming release. But how to release it now? Difference between timezones and not show current "partial" candle? I can hard code DataProvider to calculate all times in my timezone and make a filter for last candle because Strategy Monitor always ask for all candles with no own filters. But as for me, it's not an elegant solution. Maybe you know another methods to do it right?
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The Market Manager tool (which your provider will need to support) will include a very versatile filter for custom market hours (more advanced and flexible than its WL4 ancestor). As for an instant workaround, check out the Google provider's source code in the Wiki - specifically GetMarketInfo() is probably what you need.
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