Displaying all buys/sells
Author: DIY
Creation Date: 8/20/2011 11:19 PM
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Hi Eugene

When I backtest a group of shares then look at the Trades and charts of individual shares there are inconsistencies each time of above/below the 0 line for picking up buys/sells. In other words it may pick up 2 buys/sells with coloured OHLS plus arrows and recorded as Trades yet have 10 coloured OHLS with no arrows.

Is there any way of sending the screen apart from photographing it then attaching somehow as a *.jpg? My Prt Scr does not work.

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Eugene. apologise I was backtesting in Portfolio Mode thus limited % of portfolio was being flagged even though the relevant OHLC were being noted. All good in Raw Mode.

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Hi Ian,

Glad you figured it out.
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