Divide Yahoo DataSet into pieces?
Author: BarisKaya
Creation Date: 2/12/2014 4:41 AM
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is it possible to manipulate the data sets we are getting from Yahoo-(i.e. divide them into 4-5 pieces)?
NYSE stock dataset having more than 2000 stocks, sometimes making WL stop with an exception of ouf of memory warning. But i've got a 4gb ram and i dont think it would something to do with my computer. Would it be possible to make a dataset divide into pieces?

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Recommended for large backtests/optimizations: Win 7/8 64-bit machine with at least 8GB memory.

Apart from that, don't run with "All Data" in the Data Loading control. Limit the data for your backtests using that control, where you have many options, including specifying an exact date range.
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yes i'm limiting the data with certain conditions, tho still having problem from time to time not always. Will try to divide manually at some point if no other solution
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I'm not talking about limiting it with conditions, you should control how much data is loaded using the Data Loading Control.

What exactly are you going to divide?
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If you mean that, you can highlight the large DataSet in the Data Manager > "Symbols" view and copy by 400-500 symbols, pasting that into new DataSets ("Enter symbols manually or paste from clipboard").
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yes Eugene thats what i have done now. I've divided NYSE dataset into 5 that way, so its more managable now
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