Is there an installer to downgrade to a previous version of wealth lab?
I upgraded to 6.9 but I can't open it because I'm running windows XP. (.net 4.5 issue)
I can't upgrade windows, it will conflict with other apps I'm running.
I am trying to rollback to a previous version given all the problems in 6.9.20
This is a good way to find previous installations in our Pc's... however the nomenclature used for the .msi files doesn't help much:
1) the name of all the .msi files is "Wealth Lab 6.6.msi" which is simply untrue as wee are already in 6.9.x
2) The details of the file do say "Wealth -Lab Pro 6.9"in the Subject field, but nothing more. At least here some indication in the exact release should be given.
3) So the only reference left is the date of the file and I don't know of any release log or release notes tin the web site hat show which release was done where and what features were included.
Simply take the folder and file with the latest modification date.
Ok thanks that worked.... I was able to retrieve 6.9.19 64 bit. But still it would be good for you to raise this to the developers to be a bit more methodical in their build process so that executables properly identify the release version info.
Glad to help and thanks for the suggestion.