EarningsHelper Class: using InWindow Method with FinViz
Author: Mockasino
Creation Date: 10/25/2014 2:18 AM
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Hello Cone,

as you have suggested, i move my topic to a new thread.
My question was how can i regard in the inWindow method
only the FinViz data (and not other Providers e.g. 99 etc.)?

The inWindow method requires in the Import Parameter "string earningsString".
Normally i included there the corresponding abbreviation of the provider. [e.g. 99] eps]

What do i have to include there if iam just interested in FinVIz earningsdates to be considered?

I hope you know what i mean?

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FinViz is the primary source for the method. As I recall, if FinViz fails to return a result, 2 or maybe even 3 other sources are queried. If you want more control, then you need to write your own function.
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Hi Cone,

Hopefully i have understood. I try a summary.
Does this mean that even if i put in the earningsstring for e.g. "99 eps"
the method checks always first If Finviz data are are available.
If finviz data are there the inwindow method calculates the earningswindow with
Finviz. If no finviz data could be found the systems checks ( in my example 99 ) if 99 data
are available and if yes the window is calculated based on that.

Can you please confirm it?

Sorry for being so detailed!

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Since fundamental items names have to be unique, if you pass "99 eps" InWindow uses only the data available from whatever provider uses that name/provider for the historical dates. If it's finviz, then that's the one and only one used.

Now, when processing a bar more than 28 days past the last historical earnings event cached by the fundamental provider, InRange needs to acquire the next expected earnings date (in the future), For that, it calls one or more of the EarningsDate.GetNext() methods. Again, finviz is always the priority provider here and if it returns a date, then it's used. If no date is found, a backup provider like cnn.money or earningswhispers is used. The logic to refresh the cached list of upcoming earnings dates from finviz is internal/automatic.
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Im sorry, i dont want to stress you.
So concretlely what is the earningstring i have to use as Import parameter for the inwindow method
if i want to have only finviz data considered and no other provider data..
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All methods that delivered Finviz data (earnings, company info) have been removed from Community Components ver. 2015.03. They no longer work after a Finviz website redesign killing the data export feature.
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