Eliminate the Optimization Completed dialog box
Author: Panache
Creation Date: 2/6/2015 1:21 PM
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It would make my life easier if you eliminated the Optimization Completed dialog box.

I am often doing other things on my computer while I am running an optimization. As a result, the Optimization Completed dialog box gets hidden under whatever I'm working on.

I would prefer you just eliminated the call to that dialog box and Wealth-Lab Pro just switched to the Results tab as it does after you click OK.

This has become especially annoying now that I am using the Particle Swarm Optimizer, for which the progress bar does not necessarily provide any indication of whether or not the optimization has been completed.
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I'll second that suggestion.

BTW. Regarding the Swarm Optimizer(PSO), the progress bar is only "unspecified" for the Tribes algorithm, and unavoidable due to that specific algorithm's dynamic nature. The other algorithms should be accurate.

Edit: PSO will also finish early if there are limited parameter combinations, because if a combination already calculated comes up, the 2nd and subsequent occurrences will bypass the calculation.

Len (author of Swarm Optimizer)
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I'll third that motion!
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I too suggested to eliminate it several years ago but Fidelity had a different opinion.
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