I am trying to create a new data source from WL4 data. In data manager in Select ApplicationI check "Wealth-Lab Pro 4", after which, I select "Select an existing data source from WL4", and the data manager wizard is able to find my data sources from WL4. I am successfully able to create a data source, but when I click on "Symbol Details" all symbols show 0 bars and the scripts do not work on the data source.
How do I solve this?
Is the WL4 data Fidelity or from an Intraday historical DataSource?
In the second wizard dialog, you should select "Wealth-Lab Pro 4" only if you're going to connect Fidelity DataSources.
If in doubt, delete the DataSet (right click in Data Mgr), and try re-creating.
Yes, the Wl4 data is from Fidelity and it is a 5 min data set. I deleted it and tried again, but I get 0 bars again.
Have you selected "5 minute" from the dropdown list when creating (Daily by default)?
Yes I did select 5 min. One point to note is that the actual data and the database files are in different locations. I had moved the data to a different partition of the hard disk using the Data Manager in WL4 (ever since I installed WL4). WL4 has been working and is able to find the data with this configuration. COuld this be an issue?
Maybe. Then re-start the DataSet wizard, pointing to the right folder by choosing "Select a folder containing *.WL files".
This approach is impractical, as the data is in different folders (A, B, C etc, as organized by WL4). I cannot change this folder configuration as it will effect WL4.
So should I consider this a bug and submit a ticket?
It's pretty strange. The scenario when WL4 data is relocated to a different location is tested and actually works. (The provider reads the file locations directly from the WL4 DBISAM database.) If the provider was unable to read the file, this would have been logged and additionally, a message box is displayed in this case.
Before filing a ticket, could you please double-check the physical disk files are non-empty? Thank you.
I checked and the data is there and is being used by WL4.
Can I open the database file to see if the paths are correct? If yes, which file should I look at?
After the Data Manager creates the datasource in WL5 from WL4, do I need to do anything else such as update?
Yes, you can open the database with the
DbSys3 tool. Look at the Datasources table there.
WL4Files datasets are not updateable (read-only), so no need to do anything.
I am able to open the datasource file in dbsys, is there any thing I should look at in particular? I tried to Verify, Repair etc but I get the message "Access Denied". I closed WL4 before doing this, copied the DataSources.BLB DataSources.DAT DataSources.IDX to a new location, and open the ones in the new location using dbsys.
As a general suggestion, try to not open the DB before selecting for repair, as this possibly locks it.
I verified and repaired the datasource database, but I still get 0 bars:(
Is there anything particular I should look at in the datasource file?
This probably means that the database was not broken. After all, the WL4Files provider have successfully read its contents.
Please zip the 3 DB files and 1 of those problematic files containing 5-minute bars, and attach them to a new support ticket. tia.