Error messages for Candlestick Rules script
Author: bob berger
Creation Date: 1/26/2011 12:18 PM
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bob berger

I am receiving an error messages which started occuring after adding bullish and bearish engulphing lines a few days ago. prior to that, the system worked properly except for occasional disappearances of the strategy which necessitated restarting. The error messages occur a few minutes after opening the application and reappear after correction in a minute or less. Changing the stock also temporarily corrects the problem.

I have spent considerable time with the Fidelity rep and he has recommend that I contact you. We eliminated the engulphing lines, redid the strategy changed stocks and other exercises none of which had positive results.

the error messages are:
Run time error: Index was out of range. Must be non negative and less thtn the size of the collection.

the script is:

Please log in to see this code.
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Changing the stock also temporarily corrects the problem.
This is the second report of this, but you guys aren't giving me the information that I need to duplicate the error. We need THE stock, the scale, and the Data Loading control settings.

We eliminated the engulphing lines, redid the strategy changed stocks and other exercises none of which had positive results.
Almost certainly the bug is in the candle code, so how did you eliminate the engulphing lines? Are you working with the Strategy Builder only? If not, did you make sure that you hit Compile after changing something in the Editor?
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I can also reproduce the error using Developer 6.1 with the code above and with the example strategy from the WealthScript Guide (WealthLab.Rules Classes), with different streaming providers such as BBFree streaming daily data and Google streaming 1-minute data. Using different symbols e.g. AAPL. The error happens shortly after enabling streaming or switching a symbol. Looks like a bug in the candle code.
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bob berger

In my experience, the error occured over several stocks, frequency of the message is less than a minute. this is a recent problem (3 days). the system has been working satisfactorily for several months. When the bug occurs and the error message is displayed, the strategy section of the stochs disappears and the streaming continues to run normally.
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How many 1-min AAPL bars? I still don't see the problem, but I suspect it has something to do with the highlight routine.. you can turn that off using the boolean in CandlePattern.BullishEngulfingLines.

Okay, I see it now. The error message says it's at CandlePattern.BlackLine, so I'll look there.
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bob berger

Cone- I usually use 500 bars but Help Desk suggested we change to 800. error messages occurred on both. Could it ave something to do with the code for the engulphing bars. Shouldnt be much. the program only looks at the previous bar to determine if the following bar is both higher and lower than the one before it then highlights teh area. it is amazingly predictive.
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No, it's a problem with how the component caches internal DataSeries. We'll probably have an update for it tomorrow.
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bob berger

the error messages are coming in less than a minute apart. the message itslef stops my other programs and prevents typing. I will have to shut down Wealth Lab till you folks fix the problem. Will the fix be distributed soon or will I need to wait to the next release?

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For some reason I'm having trouble with the download test in extensions. Meanwhile, you can manually install
this version (LINK removed) with the fix.

1. Close WLP
2. Unzip this file (LINK removed) to the WLP installation directory, usually is C:\Program Files\Fidelity Investments\Wealth-Lab Pro 6 and overwrite the existing file.
3. Start WLP

Note: Links were removed. Update normally through extensions.
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bob berger

It seems to be working properly. I would like to thank you for your speedy attack on the problem and good resolutions.

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Great, thanks for the confirmation.

This update (version can be installed via the Extension Manager now, so I've removed the links I previously provided.
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bob berger


This problem began again yesterday. I have already followed the unzip and install instructions and do ot konw if i should repeat the process? Will you please open the ticket again.

An additional symptom has arisin where th screen freezes (though price data is incrementing) and I have to close it through task manager. As before, the strategy section disappears while the lower half of the screen remains. Additional error message: RUN TIME ERROR. AN EXECUTING STRATEGY BLOCKED REAL TIME UPDATE. STRATEGY WAS TERMINATED.

I have not made any changes to the strategy.


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An additional symptom has arisin where th screen freezes (though price data is incrementing) and I have to close it through task manager.

Simply hit Escape. No need to kill the process.

Is it possible that your strategy is executing for so long that when a new bar comes in (at the end of an interval), it's still running? In this case, Wealth-Lab should abort the strategy to guarantee that it won't break streaming updates.
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bob berger


thanks for the rapid reply. I am only using one strategy a stochastic, and leave it on all the time for multiple secuities. I did this prior to the first pass of these difficulties without a problem.

If this is an issue, how do you recommend i get around it? Regular closing and reopening of the app? I have been reopening the app after freezing and still get the same error messages and disappearance of the Stochastic section. Currently, I have reopened and it is operating properly for 20 minutes. I'll wait a bit and let you know if the problem reoccurs.

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bob berger

A new error message has appeared.

"Runtime error outside the bounds of the chart: 516"

I am and have been set at 500 bars.
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bob berger

Another 2 error messages.

Runtime error: index was outside the bounds of the array


Runtime error: index was out of range. must be non-neative and less than the size of the collection. Perameter name: index.
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Not enough information. Anything could cause that error. Is there more information as to where the error is occurring? What is the complete error message text?
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bob berger

The text box with teh error message are the ones I am currently getting. the problem is similar in symptom to the one you fixed a few weeks ago.

What more specific information can i provide?
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Oh crud, since you just made me look again I found another error with the caching mechanism: the candlesticks will return the same result as for the first symbol for subsequent charts if the number of bars in the chart and the scale are the same.

I don't think it could cause the bounds error, but I will update this component again immediately.
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Did you update the component? Click Tools > Extension Manager > Add-in

Which version of the CandlePattern Rules Class does it show?
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bob berger

Do you need any additional information from me at this time?
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Yes, see my last post.
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bob berger

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Okay, then I also need to know if you're running the same script, the data range, interval and symbol.

But first, at your earliest convenience, please install the following updated component to fix the error I described earlier. We just switched servers last weekend and are having trouble with file uploads at the moment, so you'll have to do this manually.

CandlePattern Rules Class ( - link removed (update using Extension Manager)

1. Close WLP
2. Download the file to the WLP install directory and overwrite the existing file. For most users it's: C:\Program Files\Fidelity Investments\Wealth-Lab Pro 6
3. Start WLP.
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bob berger

Seems to be working. I'll let you know if this changes. Thank you for your help.

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I forgot to update Extension attributes, so the Extension Manager will still think that one is I've updated the link in case you case to get that cosmetic change (avoids future confusion).
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Previously link removed. Site uploads are fixed, so you can update via the Extension Manager now.
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bob berger

Sorry to say hello again but I'm getting the same two error messages.

Runtime error;Index was outside the bounds of the array

Runtime error: Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.

Perameter Name: Index.

I dont know if this is related but i leave the application on all during market hours along with ATP. After several minutes (at irregular intervals), the top half of the screen (stoch) disappears and only the bar chart fills the entire screen.
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I was pretty sure that the last fix, albeit necessary, wasn't going to solve that problem.

Then I'm back to the same question about how to duplicate it. Same script I suppose, but what's the symbol, Scale and Data Range? Streaming? Does it ever occur in a static chart?
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bob berger

The script has not changed
most frequently used symbols are mu, aapl, bac

Occurs most often on one minute so it may have something to do with the number of bars it has accumulated

Data range is 500 bars

it is streaming.

selecting another security usually brings back the stochastic.

If I am the only one reporting this problem, i can live with it. It's annoying rather than fatal. the problem with the error messages generating every few seconds forced me to shut down the system.
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If I am the only one reporting this problem,
You may be the only one taking the time to report it. We definitely had some errors we had to shake out; we'll get this one for you too.

When the error occurs, does it happen for all Strategy windows running the script or just one of them?
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bob berger

i only open one window at a time and switch between stocks. it doesnt matter which security is up, it happens to all of them. i do analysis on 1 minute for short term trading and on the daily for trends. if you want me to change something to test it, i am happy to help.
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I just need to know how to duplicate it. I've been running 4 windows with your strategy since my last post and have switched symbols serveral times, but it looks fine here.

Where does the error appear? In the Debug window, in the lower Editor messages pane, or in a dialog that pops up?
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bob berger

Send me your email and i'll send you some screens. the error message appears in a popup and there are two of them listed in a previous email.
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We should have done this before, but could you please create a Support Ticket (upper right menu), zip, and attach the images to your ticket?

Not many know this, but you can click on most informational dialogs, hit Ctrl+C (to copy its text), and then Ctrl+V to paste a formatted version of the text somewhere... like a form thread!
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bob berger

Thanks for the tip. I cant select a product on the support ticket as it is blank and wont allow input. In any event, the application has held correctly for 2.5 hrs, so perhaps we should leave it for a day or so.
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I cant select a product on the support ticket as it is blank and wont allow input.

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