Author: gbullr
Creation Date: 11/22/2010 10:40 PM
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Help w/ two issues pls.

How does one write the expression

(x+y)^ T in WL. (x+y) exp (T) does not work for me.


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Just like in any .NET application, you would use Math.Pow.
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Now the second question.

How do I plot the value of a double (sor) on a pricepane that appears after a setup.
In the code below I am annotating it, but I want to plot it and after be able to use it a as a value w/ which to set a limit order.

So the basic question is how do I plot something on a pricepane that appears after a setup, the value on the graph. In the code below I have used annotateBar but that is not what I am trying to do; I am trying to plot a line of the sor value.

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First thing that comes to mind is saving the sor value in a DataSeries for plotting.
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It is a discontinuous series and that is why I ask the question... I realize that the sor shown above in the code is not, but the one that I want to use is.

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