Exporting WL DataSet to ATP
Author: tastley
Creation Date: 12/2/2009 2:42 PM
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I exported a data set from WL to ATP watch lists but only the the title imported to ATP while the data set symbols were not imported. Repeated process several times with same result. Help.
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I'm not following you. Since this is a WLP Version 5 forum, I'm assuming that you're trying to get a WLP5 DataSet into AT Pro. The way to do that is to use the Fidelity Export feature in the Data Manager to export the list to fidelity.com. After it's there, it's automatically a Watchlist in AT Pro.
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You understand the problem perfectly! I used Fidelity Export feature and watchlist was created in AT Pro but the list was not populated with the symbols. I'll go to Fidelity for solution help.

Thanks, Tom
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