An appreciated enhancement to the Extraordinary Opportunity PosSizer would be the option to utilize all available cash. Currently, If the increase percentage results in a position size that is larger than the available cash, the position is not taken. In practice, if there was not enough cash in my account to take a position size as specified by the increase percentage, I would take a position with the available cash that I have.
Thank you for the enhancement idea. However, the proposal is universal i.e. isn't something unique to the
Extraordinary Opportunity PosSizer. If we would do it as you suggest, wouldn't then it be logical to add it to almost any one of over 30 PosSizers in MS123 PosSizers? Which would be a major effort. Same as why I'm not inclined to take and add options from one PosSizer to another, trying to collect all universally applicable and frequently used options in the
Position Options instead. Sorry.
Eugene, Thanks for the reply. I can definitely see your point. That would be a lot of extra work.