Feature Request: DataSet Folders and Sub-Folders
Author: dan_rozenberg
Creation Date: 5/12/2011 12:13 PM
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Hi again.

One thing that I would really, really like to have in a future version of WL is to to be able to store Datesets in folders, so that i could have many groups of instruments, and inside each group(folder), more sub-groups(datasets).

Do you think this could see the light of day? Or is the Dataset manager built in such way that makes this impossible to have?

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This sounds like a drastic architectural change (which is not going to happen, sorry).

Out of curiousity, what for (besides arbitrarily grouping DataSets in a fancy way)? Can't you get there simply by making your DataSets follow a naming pattern?
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I can, but it can get quite crowded in there.

Well, it was worth trying, though.
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