Fidelity Directed Trade Order Routing
Author: psimmons
Creation Date: 5/30/2014 1:09 PM
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I am trying to implement directed trading as "not held" to either the Fidelity QWIK or FDLM routing engine while sending other orders to the Fidelity trading desk.

I can do this from Active Trader Pro using a Directed Trade.
However Wealth-Lab Pro Trade Ticket only lets me select Route = Auto, and I am struggling to find documentation on how to program it into an algorithm.

Is programmed order routing possible? Can you steer me in the right direction please?
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General rule of thumb is: FAQ > Is there a documentation for WealthLab.dll class procedures and methods?

If something seems to be "missing" in the documentation, it's usually unsupported. I guess this applies to your case since the only allowed choice is Auto. Perhaps this is made for a reason.
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The Wealth-Lab Pro Version 6.7 User Guide mentions being able to set QWIK order routing in Section 12.8 (Manual Trade Ticket).

However I run 64-bit Edition of WLP Version 6.7 and only get AUTO routing selection in the drop box.
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Please make sure that a Paper trading account is not selected, as the QWIK option is not available for PT accounts.

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I confirmed that a Live Account is selected.
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Is programmed order routing possible?

Questions about trading at Fidelity are best answered by Active Trader phone support, but if it isn't working as the User Guide suggests, then let us know and we can follow up. Make sure you're logged in, a live account is selected in the manual trade ticket, select a Market or Limit order for TIF Day or Limit only for TIF Day Plus. Per the Guide, QWIK should be available for customers entitled for Directed Trading. If you don't see QWIK, it could be that you need to talk to Active Trader phone support about an entitlement.
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Using WLP Manual Trade Ticket this morning during market hours, I verified that I was logged in, with a market order to buy SPY with TIF = Day, but I only get the ability to select "Auto" route and not QWIK.

With Active Trader Pro I can route to either AUTO or ARCA or FDLM or VWAP using its Directed Trade window.
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Do you mean QWIK isn't available in AT Pro either? Maybe Fidelity nixed it? I'll ask about it.... it's still described in the AT Pro Help guide too.
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Confirmed. Fidelity stopped offering QWIK on 28 Feb 2014, and it was replaced by FDLM (Fidelity Dynamic Liquidity Management) as an alternative (in AT Pro). That leaves only Auto in WLPro.
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Thank you for the information Cone.

I believe routing to FDLM will bypass the Fidelity trading desk for large orders, and so this has value in fast moving markets.
VWAP (and time based alternatives) probably has value for other users of WLP.

Can I suggest support for these are considered for future implementation?
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I can add it to a long list of suggestions for Wealth-Lab. However, for the most visibility it's best when customers call Fidelity directly about what they want to see added. Many customers asking for the same thing can put it on a fast track.

Just curious: Why would you use the WLP manual trade ticket over directed trading in ATP for these types of orders?
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You are right, I use ATP for manual trades.

I just used WLP manual trade ticket to try to figure out and debug directed trade order routing to improve exit execution.

Thanks for the help.
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