For single digit securities, my price scale only displays a whole dollars value. Therefore, for example, when price and 2 moving averages are in the 6-7 dollar range, all I see is "6"'s. How do I change the price resolution to dollars and cents?
Open up the Wealth-Lab Preferences dialog (F12 key) > Advanced Options > Decimal Prices. How is it set up? There should be a 2 for both Price and Indicator Decimals.
Another reason is a misconfiguration of the Symbol Info Manager (Tools menu).
P.S. It would be optimal if you had shared a screen capture to make sure that you're not having a display issue with a high-resolution display:
Open Issues > (146) Application needs to support 120 DPI throughoutJust a speculation. It's likely that this would affect any security, not just single-digit.
Didn't know there was that setting (Decimal Prices). Thanks.