Get bar color?
Author: tradercn
Creation Date: 11/22/2011 11:26 AM
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1, setBarColor is used to set color of bar, but how to get bar color? And, how to make the bar body red?
2, If I want to show signal of BuyAtMarket and the indicator name on the indicator Pane, how to do that?
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1a. Strange question. If your strategy knows how to set, what's the problem to get it? It's two sides of the coin.
1b. Bar has no body, candles do. Hit Ctrl-Y on a candlestick chart, check "Fill Candlesticks".
2. DrawLabel, AnnotateBar, DrawText: look them up in the QuickRef > Cosmetic functions.
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2. The indicator's .Description property string value is automatically displayed in the upper left corner of the pane unless you turn off "Show Indicator labels" in the chart toolbar.
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Thanks, both answer are great. I love you guys!
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Guys: Don't you think it's a convoluted way of indicating that the bars want to be filled? Wouldn't it be easier and clearer for users simply to have that in the Chart preferences (instead of Ctrl-Y)? Why two places to handle preferences on how charts are displayed?
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Wealth-Lab is modular application. Ctrl-Y is controlled by ChartStyles which can have their own preferences.
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